Ordering Of Words

1 : What handicapped people
P : an opportunity to pull their weight
Q : but what we are ready
R : and do something useful
S : want most of all is
6 : to offer is pity.

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “D” is correct.
What handicapped people want most of all is an opportunity to pull their weight and do something useful but what we are ready to offer is pity.

1 : No part of this publication may be
P : without the written permission
Q : reproduced, stored in or transmitted
R : of the copyright owner and
S : in any form or by any means
6 : the publisher of this book.

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “B” is correct.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher of this book.

The idea of the Yahoos
P : too,
Q : in all its devastating implications,
R : is one to be explored
S : but not taken as the last word about human nature

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “A” is correct.
The idea of the Yahoos too, is one to be explored in all its devastating implications, but not taken as the last word about human nature.

1 : The Reserve Bank of India has taken the risk
P : as measured by the Wholesale Price Index
Q : by allowing a large flow of funds
R : when the annual rate of inflation
S : into the economy at a time
6 : is slowly moving up.

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “B” is correct.
The Reserve Bank of India has taken the risk by allowing a large flow of funds into the economy at a time when the annual rate of inflation as measured by the Wholesale Price Index is slowly moving up.

1 : Yesterday, I chanced to meet
P : where he lived
Q : and asked him
R : now in his seventies
S : an old acquaintance,
6 : and what he did for his living.

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “D” is correct.
Yesterday, I chanced to meet an old acquaintance, now in his seventies and asked him where he lived and what he did for his living.

It has been established that
P : Einstein was
Q : although a great scientist
R : weak in arithmetic
S : right from his school days

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “A” is correct.
It has been established that although a great scientist Einstein was weak in arithmetic right from his school days.

1 : The ongoing research
P : to relax the vigil
Q : for development of an AIDS vaccine
R : is not reason enough
S : due to enter laboratory trials shortly
6 : against the killer disease.

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “C” is correct.
The ongoing research due to enter laboratory trials shortly for development of an AIDS vaccine is not reason enough to relax the vigil against the killer disease.

Some of our social sciences
P : that cannot be attacked by modern society
Q : such as psychology and sociology
R : seem o have become
S : sacred cows

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “B” is correct.
Some of our social sciences such as psychology and sociology seem o have become sacred cows that cannot be attacked by modern society.

1 : There are
P : laid on school games
Q : who support the emphasis
R : still those devotees of sport
S : and for whom sports is
6 : a kind of religion.

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “D” is correct.
There are still those devotees of sport who support the emphasis laid on school games and for whom sports is a kind of religion.

P : till the other day
Q : who were content being housewives
R : about spending their time cooking
S : now sound apologetic

The Proper sequence should be:

Option “B” is correct.
Women who were content being housewives till the other day now sound apologetic about spending their time cooking.
