Mountain passes of India

1.In which state is Zojila Pass located?
A. Himachal Pradesh
B. Jammu and Kashmir
C. Uttarakhand

D. Sikkim

Option”B” is correct
2.Which of the following pass is located in the state of Sikkim?
A. Mana Pass and Policy Pass
B. Nathula and Jalepla Pass
C. Shipki La and Yangyap Pass

D. Burjil and Zojila Pass

Option”B” is correct
3.The road from Jammu to Srinagar passes through which pass?
A. zojila
B. burjil
C. in ruins

D. Pir Panjal

Option”C” is correct
4.Match List-I with List-II : List-I (Mountain Passes) A. Nathula Pass B. Bomdila Pass C. Tuju Pass D. Shipki La Pass List-II (Location) 1. Arunachal Pradesh 2. Manipur 3. Sikkim 4. Himachal Pradesh
A. A → 1, B → 2, C → 3, D → 4
B. A → 2, B → 1, C → 3, D → 4
C. A → 3, B → 1, C → 2, D → 4

D. A → 3, B → 2, C → 1, D → 4

Option”C” is correct
Discovering the Mystery: Tuju Pass in Which State & The Yang Yap Pass Adventure

When someone mentions “tuju pass in which state” or “yang yap pass”, do you find yourself scratching your head? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Let’s embark on a journey to understand more about these two intriguing places.

First, let’s tackle the burning question: tuju pass in which state? To be honest, as of my last update in September 2021, there isn’t a widely recognized place known as Tuju Pass. It might be possible that there’s a new location or landmark that has since been discovered or popularized, but I don’t have that information currently. So, if you’ve heard the phrase “tuju pass in which state”, it remains a mystery for now.

On the other hand, let’s shift our focus to the yang yap pass. The Yang Yap Pass is another intriguing spot, often less talked about than the mainstream tourist places. But that’s what makes it special, right? It’s like a hidden treasure, waiting to be explored.

Now, why do people keep asking “tuju pass in which state” or talk about the yang yap pass? These places, whether real or fictional, spark our curiosity. They remind us of the vast world out there, filled with unknown adventures and stories. Just think about it. Every time you hear “tuju pass in which state”, you’re invited to imagine a place that could be anywhere in the world – surrounded by snow-capped mountains, dense forests, or perhaps, vast deserts.

Similarly, every mention of the yang yap pass evokes a sense of adventure. Whether it’s a challenging hiking trail, a serene viewpoint, or a historic landmark, the yang yap pass symbolizes discovery. It’s a reminder of all the paths less traveled, waiting for bold explorers to set foot.

But let’s not stop at imagination. These names, “tuju pass in which state” and “yang yap pass”, can be starting points. Starting points for you to research, explore, and maybe even visit. Who knows? One day you might find yourself answering someone’s question about “tuju pass in which state” or sharing your personal stories of the yang yap pass.

In conclusion, while we may not have all the answers about “tuju pass in which state” right now, the journey of discovery is often more exciting than the destination itself. And as for the yang yap pass, it stands as a testament to the world’s lesser-known wonders. So, the next time you hear “tuju pass in which state” or “yang yap pass”, let your imagination run wild, and maybe, just maybe, embark on an adventure of your own.

5.Through which mountain pass do Indian pilgrims go to visit Mansarovar Lake and Kailash mountain valley?
A. shipkey la
B. bara lacha
C. Agreed

D. Nathula

Option”C” is correct
6.Which of the following is not correctly matched?
A. Lipulekh – Uttarakhand
B. Nathula – Arunachal Pradesh
C. Rohtang – Himachal Pradesh

D. Palghat – Kerala

Option”B” is correct
7.Tougup Pass is the mountain pass connecting India with which country?
A. Afghanistan
B. in china
C. in Pakistan

D. Myanmar

Option”D” is correct
8.Where is Khyber Pass?
A. Bhutan
B. Bangladesh
C. India

D. Pakistan

Option”D” is correct
9.Pal Ghat is situated between which of the following?
A. Nilgiri and Cardamom Hills
B. Nilgiri and Annamalai Hills
C. Annamalai and Cardamom Hills

D. Cardamom Hills and Palini Hills

Option”B” is correct
10.Which of the following pass is not located in Himachal Pradesh?
A. bara la
B. pacha la
C. shipkey la

D. Jalepla

Option”D” is correct