Set-24 Indian History (English) Railway NTPC and Railway Group D 2019 Previous Year Questions | Study Virus

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We are providing the most important Indian History Previous year Questions for RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019 and all other competitive exams. These questions have very high chances to be asked in RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019.

Set-24 Indian History Previous Year Questions

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1.The famous ‘Battle of Kings’ between Bharat and the host of ten kings was fought near the river
1. Sindhu
2. Saraswati
3. Parushni
4. Vitasta


2.Satpatha Brahmana is related to:
1. Rigveda
2. Yajurveda
3. Samaveda
4. Atharvaveda


3.Father of new Persian poetry style “Sabak-e-Hindi” or Hindustani style was:
1. Ziyauddin Barani
2. Afiq
3. Isami
4. Amir Khusrau


4.The famous resolution on Non-Cooperation under the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi was adopted in a special session of Congress held at Calcutta in
1. September 1920
2. December 1922
3. October 1924
4. November 1925


5.The famous Vedic river which had long ago become extinct and now supposed to be flowing underground in Rajasthan is
1. Sindhu
2. Sabastu
3. Shatudri
4. Saraswati


6.According to Ancient Indian legendary sources, Surabhi was a/an
1. wish-fulfilling tree
2. treasure in the form of a cow, churned from the cosmic ocean
3. medicine prepared by Dhanvantri
4. intoxicating drink consumed during religious ceremonies in ancient times


7.Which emperor wrote the play ‘Nagananda’ in Sanskrit language?
1. Prabhakaravardhana
2. Harshavardhana
3. Chandragupta II
4. Bindusara


8.Takshashila University was located between which two rivers?
1. Indus and Jhelum
2. Jhelum and Ravi
3. Beas and Indus
4. Satluj and Indus


9. The “Chishtia sufi Order” in India was established by-
1. Khwaja Badaruddin
2. Khwaja Muinuddin
3. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhind
4. Shaikh Bahauddin Zakariya


10. The method of moderate leaders of the Congress was?
1. Non Co-operation
2. Constitutional Legitations
3. Passive Resistance
4. Civil Disobedience


11. Which one of the following began with the Dandi March?
1. Home rule Move ment
2. Non-Cooperation Movement
3. Civil disobedience Movement
4. Quit India Movement


12. When was Burma separated from India?
1. 1947
2. 1942
3. 1937
4. 1932


13. The second session of Indian National Congress was presided over by-
1. Ganesh Agarkar
2. Surendranath Banerjee
3. Dadabhai Naoraji
4. Pheroz Shah Mehta


14. Who among the following is known as ‘Martin Luther’ of India?
1. Swami Vivekanand
2. Swami Shraddhanand
3. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
4. Swami Dayanand Saraswat


15. With whose permission did the English set up their first factory in Surat?
1. Akbar
2. Jahangir
3. Shahjahan
4. Aurangzeb


16. Who among the following are known as King Makers in Indian History?
1. Sayyid Brothers
2. Hussain Brothers
3. Hassan Family
4. Tardi Begh


17. Which freedom fighter was popularly known as ‘Deshbandhu’?
1. Lala Lajpat Rai
2. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
3. Chittaranjan Das
4. C. F.Andrews


18. Who was the last British Viceroy of India?
1. Lord Lintithgow
2. Lord Wavell
3. Clement Atlee
4. Lord Mountbatten


19. Against whom Skandagupta had to wage long wars on the North West border?
1. Shakas
2. Yavanas
3. Huns
4. Greeks


20. The foreign traveler who visited India during the rule of the Guptas was?
1. Hiuen Tsang
2. Beriner
3. Fa-Hein
4. Manucci



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