Set-6 Indian Polity (English) Railway NTPC and Railway Group D 2019 Previous Year Questions | Study Virus

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We are providing the most important Indian Polity Previous year Questions for RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019, SSC 2019 and all other competitive exams. These questions have very high chances to be asked in RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019.

Set-6 Indian Polity Previous Year Questions

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1. Which of the following is a leading recommendation of the Sarkaria Commission?
1. abolition of All India Services
2. activation of Zonal Councils
3. drastic changes in the present division of functions between the finance commission and the Planning Commission
4. abolition of Zonal Councils


2. The Central Government derives maximum revenue from
1. Income tax
2. Excise duties
3. Customs
4. Service tax


3. Which of the following is the largest contributor to the total tax revenue of the government (Central state and union territory administrations)?
1. Income tax
2. Corporation tax
3. Customs duties
4. Excise duties


4. If a financial emergency is declared, what is its impact on the relations between the Centre and the state?
1. The President can reduce the salaries of all the states’ servants except the judges of High Courts.
2. The President can reduce the salaries of state civil servants including those of the judges of High Courts.
3. The state legislatures are deprived of the right to enact Money Bills.
4. None of the above.


5. The pension of the judges of the High Court is charged to
1. the Consolidated Fund of the State
2. the Contingency Fund of state
3. the Consolidated Fund of India
4. none of the above funds


6. The jurisdiction of the High Court can be extended or restricted by
1. The President
2. The Parliament
3. The Chief Justice of India
4. None of the above


7. Under which Constitutional Article enlargement of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is mentioned—
1. Article 145
2. Article 148
3. Article 138
4. Article 143


8. Which Constitutional Article mentions conferment on the Supreme Court of powers to issue certain writs—
1. Article 145
2. Article 168
3. Article 169
4. Article 139


9. Which Constitutional Article mentions transfer of certain cases for Supreme Court—
1. Article 139A
2. Article 139B
3. Article 139C
4. Article 138


10. Which Constitutional Article defines law declared by Supreme Court to be binding on all courts—
1. Article 142
2. Article 141
3. Article 143
4. Article 144


11. Ad hoc judges can be appointed in the Supreme court
1. By the President on the advice of the Union Law Minister.
2. By the Chief Justice of India after consulting other judges
3. By the Chief Justice of India with the prior consent of the President.
4. By the Union Law Minister, but such appointments must be ratified by the Parliament within two months.


12. How many judges of the Supreme Court have been removed from their office before the expiry of their normal term through impeachment
1. only one
2. two
3. three
4. none


13. Which of the following conditions does not contribute to the independence of the judiciary in India?
1. No change in salary and service condition of judges can be made which operates against their interest after their appointment.
2. Once appointed, the judges cannot be removed from their office before the date of retirement.
3. The salary and allowances of the judges are charged to the Consolidated Fund of India and are not subject to Parliamentary vote.
4. Retired judges are not permitted to carry on practice before any court or tribunal in India.


14. Which of the following statements regarding the Supreme Court of India is not correct?
1. It acts as the guardian of the liberties of the people of India.
2. It acts as the guardian of the Constitution.
3. It acts as the protector of the Directive Principles of State Policy.
4. It has final power to investigate disputes regarding election of the President and the Vice-President.


15. Which group of judges took interest in Public Interest Litigation?
1. Kania and Sastri
2. Ray and Beg
3. Bhagwati and Krishna Iyer
4. Shah and Sikri


16. The theory of ‘basic structure of the Constitution’ implies
1. that certain features of the Constitution are so basic to the Constitution that they cannot be changed.
2. those features of the Constitution which can be changed by the Parliament with the prior approval of the majority of the state legislatures
3. those features of the Constitution which can be changed only after seeking prior approval of the majority of the judges of the Supreme Court
4. none of the above


17. The judges of the Supreme Court have to take an oath or affirmation before entering upon their office, which is conducted to them by
1. the President
2. the Cheif Justice of India
3. the Vice-President
4. the Attorney General of India


18. A judge of the Supreme Court can relinquish office before the completion of his tenure by addressing his resignation to
1. the President
2. the Chief Justice of India
3. the Union Law Minister
4. none of the above


19. How many types of writs can be issued by the Supreme Court?
1. 2
2. 3
3. 5
4. 6


20. The Supreme Court of India enjoys
1. original jurisdiction,
2. advisory jurisdiction,
3. appellate and advisory jurisdictions,
4. original, appellate and advisory jurisdictions


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