Dear Aspirants,
We are providing the most important General Science Previous year Questions for RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019, SSC 2019 and all other competitive exams. These questions have very high chances to be asked in RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019.
Set-8 General Science Previous Year Questions
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1.BOD stands for:
1. Biological oxidation demand
2. Biological oxygen decomposition
3. Biochemical oxygen demand
4. Biotic oxidation demand
2.Minamata disease is caused by pollution of water by:
1. Lead
2. Tin
3. Methyl Isocyanate
4. Mercury
3.Amino acids are required for the synthesis of:
1. Alkaloids
2. Lipids
3. Proteins
4. Carbohydrates
4.Transpiration increases in:
1. Hot, dry and windy condition
2. Hot, damp and windy condition
3. Cool, damp and windy condition
4. Cool, dry and still condition
5.What is the Kyoto Protocol?
1. It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing acid rain
2. It is an agreement among countries to take steps for planting trees to control pollution
3. It is an agreement among countries to start using nuclear energy
4. It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing green house gases emission.
6.The longest bone in the human body is –
1. Ulna
2. Humerus
3. Femur
4. Tibia
7.An instrument for measuring blood pressure is called –
1. Barometer
2. Spirometer
3. Sphygmomanometer
4. Haemocytometer
8.The vitamin most readily destroyed by heat is –
1. Riboflavin
2. Ascorbic acid
3. Tocopherol
4. Thiamine
9.Rickets is the deficiency disease of vitamin-D, in which the affected part is the –
1. Skin
2. Hair
3. Bone
4. Blood
10.The atoms, in which the number of protons is same but the number of neutrons is different, are known as-
1. Isobars
2. Isomers
3. Isotones
4. Isotopes
11. Radioactivity was discovered by:
1. Rutherford
2. Becquerel
3. Bohr
4. Madam Curie
12.The element found maximum in the soil layer is-
1. Oxygen
2. Nitrogen
3. Manganese
4. Silicon
13. Which is the most reactive metal?
1. Sodium
2. Calcium
3. Iron
4. Potassium
14.The most commonly used substance in fluorescent tubes are –
1. Sodium Oxide and Argon
2. Sodium Vapour and Neon
3. Mercury Vapour and Argon
4. Mercuric Oxide and Neon
15. The chemical name of limestone is?
1. Calcium Carbonate
2. Magnesium Chloride
3. Sodium Chloride
4. Sodium Sulphide
16.Monazite is an ore of-
1. Zirconium
2. Thorium
3. Titanium
4. Iron
17.Galvanized iron is coated with-
1. Aluminium
2. Galena
3. Silver
4. Zinc
18. Bronze is an alloy of-
1. Copper and Tin
2. Copper and Silver
3. Copper and Zinc
4. Copper and Lead
19.Dry ice is-
1. Solid water
2. Mountain ice
3. Solid carbon dioxide
4. Solid carbon mono oxide
20. The useful element in photography is-
1. Silver Nitrate
2. Silver Bromide
3. Sulphuric Acid
4. Citiric Acid