Set-32 Indian History (English) Railway NTPC and Railway Group D 2019 Previous Year Questions | Study Virus

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We are providing the most important Indian History Previous year Questions for RRB NTPC 2020, RRB Group D 2020 , SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, and all other competitive exams. These questions have very high chances to be asked in RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019.

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Set-32 Indian History Previous Year Questions

1.Who defended Aurbindo Ghosh in the Alipore bomb case?
1. Chittaranjan Das
2. Motilal Nehru
3. B.G. Tilak
4. Surendra Nath Banerjee


2.The only Indian prince who actively participated in the Revolutionary Movement within and outside India was—
1. Raja Aridaman Singh
2. Raja Hari Singh
3. Raja Kumar Singh
4. Raja Mahendra Pratap


3.Who was the writer of Tales of Panchatantra?
1. Kautilya
2. Pushyagupta
3. Vishnu Sharma
4. Vishakhdatta


4.Kautilya’s Arthashastra deals with the aspects of
1. Political policies
2. Religious life
3. Social life
4. None of these


5.When Humayun was in exile Koh-i-nur Diamond was with
1. The Raja Bikramajid
2. Shah Tahmasp of Persia
3. Sultan of Bijapur
4. Sher Shah


6.There were _________ jewelled steps leading to the Emperor’s seat, in the Peacock Throne.
1. Four
2. Three
3. Two
4. Six


7.With reference to the Indian freedom struggle, which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the given events?
1. Partition of Bengal-Surat Split of Congress-Lucknow Pact
2. Partition of Bengal-Lucknow Pact-Surat Split of Congress
3. Surat Split of Congress-Partition of Bengal-Lucknow Pact
4. Surat Split of Congress-Lucknow Pact-Partition of Bengal


8.Which one of the following newspaper was launched by Motilal Nehru?
1. Leader
2. The Independent
3. Hindustan Times
4. National Herald


9.Who of the following was known as Amitrochates?
1. Chandragupta Maurya
2. Bindusara
3. Ashoka
4. Kautilya


10. The foreign traveller who visited India during the reign of Shahjahan was______________.
1. Thomas Roe
2. William Hawkins
3. Ibn Batuta
4. Manucci


11. Which dynasty was ruling in Vijaynagar empire at the time of the Battle of Talikota?
1. Sangam
2. Aniridu
3. Tuluva
4. Saluva


12. The only Viceroy to be assassinated in India was?
1. Lord Harding
2. Lord Northbrook
3. Lord Ellenborough
4. Lord Mayo


13. Who was the founder of the Theosophical Society?
1. Justice Ranade
2. Madam Blavatsky
3. Annie Besant
4. Bal Gangadhar Tilak


14. Which of the following was one of the ingredients of ‘Middle Path’ advocated by Buddha?
1. Abandonment of killing
2. Right effort
3. Speak no falsehood
4. Giving up hankering for wealth


15. Which of the following School accepted perception and inference as sources of valid knowledge?
1. Nyaya School
2. Vaisheshika
3. Bothe A & B
4. None of the above


16. The first Sultan to adopt the principle of measurement of cultivable land for determining the land revenue was
1. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
2. Iltutmish
3. Alauddin Khalji
4. Balban


17. The state-promoted canal irrigation system was initiated by
1. Alauddin Khalji
2. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
3. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
4. Firuz Tughluq


18. Sardar Vallabhbai Patel was the leader of _______.
1. Bhoodan Movement
2. Rowlatt Satyagraha
3. Bardoli Satyagraha
4. Swadeshi Movement


19. Who was the first Governor General of India?
1. Lord William Bentick
2. Lord Dalhousie
3. Lord Cornwallis
4. None of these


20. Which act ended the “Trade Monopoly” of the East India Company?
1. Regulating Act of 1773
2. Pitt’s India Act of 1784
3. The Charter Act of 1833
4. The Charter Act of 1813


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