Active and Passive Voice Questions for Competitive Exams
Active and Passive Voice Questions : Active and Passive Voice Questions are usually asked in all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, and other state government exams. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Active and Passive Voice Questions Questions along with previous year Active and Passive Voice Questions. Active and Passive Voice Questions is a very important topic for Verbal section. Active and Passive Voice Questions has got very high weightage , so Active and Passive Voice Questions is on of the most High Scoring Section of Verbal. We have also provided all different varieties of Active and Passive Voice Questions.
Active and Passive Voice Questions
31. Alexander expected to conquer the world.
Option”B” is correct
It was expected by Alexander that he would conquer the world.
Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in active voice.
Rule : Subject + (was/were) + V3 + Other agents
32. You have to do this immediately.
Option”D” is correct
This has to be done by you immediately.
Given sentence is in simple future tense and it is in active voice.
Rule : Subject + be + V3 + Other agents
33. Children make a noise.
A noise is being made by the children
Option”B” is correct
Noise is made by children.
Given sentence is in simple present tense and it is in active voice.
Rule : Subject + (is/am/are) + V3 + Other agents
34. Every disaster affected victim has been compensated by the government.v
The government has compensated every disaster affected victim
The government had compensated every disaster affected victim.
The government has been compensating every disaster affected victim
The government have been compensating every disaster affected victim
Option”A” is correct
The government has compensated every disaster affected victim.
Given sentence is in present perfect tense and it is in passive voice.
Rule : Subject + (have/has) + V3 + Other agents
35. The teacher may punish you.
You should be punished by the teacher
You shall have been punished by the teacher.
You will be punished by the teacher.
You may be punished by the teacher.
Option”D” is correct
You may be punished by the teacher.
The given sentence contains one of Model verb (Model Verb = will, shall, can, may, might, could, might, must, would). It is in active voice.
Rule : Subject + Model verb + be + V3 + Optional Objects
36. Five explosions rocked Pune today.
Pune has been rocked by five explosions today.
Pune had been rocked by five explosions today.
Pune is rocked by five explosions today.
Pune was rocked by five explosions today.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”View Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer”]Option”D” is correct
Pune was rocked by five explosions today.
Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in active voice, we need to change it into passive voice.