Active and Passive Voice Questions for Competitive Exams

Active and Passive Voice Questions : Active and Passive Voice Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Active and Passive Voice Questions Questions along with previous year Active and Passive Voice Questions.

Active and Passive Voice Questions is a very important topic for Verbal section. Active and Passive Voice Questions has got very high weightage , so Active and Passive Voice Questions is on of the most High Scoring Section of Verbal.
We have also provided all different varieties of Active and Passive Voice Questions.

Active and Passive Voice Questions

51. By now the winners will have been felicitated.

Option”A” is correct

They will have felicitated the winners by now.

Given sentence is in future perfect tense and it is in passive voice.

Rule :
Subject + (will/shall) + have been + V3 + Other agents

52. One of the girls in the class will sing the national anthem at the end of the function.

Option”C” is correct

The national anthem will be sung by one of the girls in the class at the end of the function.

The given sentence contains one of Model verb (Model Verb = will, shall, can, may, might, could, might, must, would). It is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + Model verb + be + V3 + Optional Objects.

53. Somebody should have cleaned the windows yesterday.

Option”C” is correct

The windows should have been cleaned yesterday.

Given sentence is in future perfect tense and it is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + (should/shall) + have been + V3 + Other agents

54.I cannot draw this picture.

Option”A” is correct

This picture cannot be drawn by me.

Given sentence is in simple future tense and it is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + be + V3 + Other agents

55.The Cabinet approved amendments to the Insurance Law Bill pending in the Rajya Sabha.

Option”D” is correct

Amendments to the Insurance Law Bill pending in the Rajya Sabha, were approved by the Cabinet.

Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + (was/were) + V3 + Other agents

56. Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

Option”A” is correct

Has a dog ever bitten you?

Given sentence is in present perfect tense and it is in passive voice.

Rule :
(Have/has) + V3 + Other agents + ?

57. The men had constructed the bridge.

Option”D” is correct

The bridge had been constructed by the men.

Given sentence is in past perfect tense and it is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + had been + V3 + Other agents

58. The major points of the lesson were quickly learnt by the class,but they were also quickly forgotten by them.

Option”D” is correct

The class quickly learnt the major points of the lesson but also forgot them quickly.

Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in passive voice.

Rule :
Subject + V1 + Other agents

59. They will help us with money.

Option”A” is correct

We shall be helped by them with money.

The given sentence contains one of Model verb (Model Verb = will, shall, can, may, might, could, might, must, would). It is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + Model verb + be + V3 + Optional Objects

60. Nothing can be gained without labour.

Option”D” is correct

We can gain nothing without labour.

Given sentence is in simple future tense and it is in passive voice.

Rule :
Subject + can + V1 + Other agents