Active and Passive Voice Questions for Competitive Exams
Active and Passive Voice Questions : Active and Passive Voice Questions are usually asked in all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, and other state government exams. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Active and Passive Voice Questions Questions along with previous year Active and Passive Voice Questions. Active and Passive Voice Questions is a very important topic for Verbal section. Active and Passive Voice Questions has got very high weightage , so Active and Passive Voice Questions is on of the most High Scoring Section of Verbal. We have also provided all different varieties of Active and Passive Voice Questions.
Active and Passive Voice Questions
61. I will complete my project next week.
Option”B” is correct
My project will be completed by me next week.
Given sentence is in simple future tense and it is in active voice.
Rule : Subject + be + V3 + Other agents
62. People say that he is a spy.
Option”C” is correct
It is said that he is a spy.
63. They are going to perform “Hamlet”.
Option”A” is correct
“Hamlet” is going to be performed by them.
Given sentence is in simple future tense and it is in active voice.
Rule : Subject + be + V3 + Other agents
64. The plants have been watered by the gardener.
Option”C” is correct
The gardener has watered the plants.
Given sentence is in present perfect tense and it is in passive voice.
Rule : Subject + (have/has) + V3 + Other agent
65. Everyone must read this book.
Option”D” is correct
This book must be read by everyone.
The given sentence contains one of Model verb (Model Verb = will, shall, can, may, might, could, might, must, would). It is in active voice.
Rule : Subject + Model verb + be + V3 + Optional Objects.
66. His lordship soon found me to be unfit for the service.
Option”B” is correct
I was soon found by his lordship to be unfit for the service.
Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in active voice.
Rule : Subject + (was/were) + V3 + Other agents
67. Did he accept your proposal?
Option”B” is correct
Was your proposal accepted by him?
Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in active voice.