300+ Arithmetic Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams [100% Free ]

300+ Most Asked Arithmetic Questions and Answers

Have you ever stumbled upon arithmetic questions and answers during your exam preparations, only to realize their significance? Well, you’re not alone. This article delves deep into arithmetic questions and answers, offering an extensive collection for aspirants. If you’re preparing for competitive exams like CAT, you might have come across specific arithmetic questions for CAT. These aren’t your typical simple arithmetic questions; they challenge your understanding and application of concepts.

For those just starting, you might wonder, “What exactly is arithmetic?” In the vast realm of mathematics, arithmetic stands out as the branch that deals with numbers. Specifically, it entails operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division – these are famously known as arithmetic operations. When faced with arithmetic questions and answers, it’s essential to be well-versed with the BODMAS rule, ensuring each question is tackled accurately.

While some might think of them as just simple arithmetic questions, there’s more to it. You might come across specialized Arithmetic Questions and Answers or seek out an arithmetic questions and answers pdf for comprehensive preparation. Some resources even specialize in providing simple arithmetic questions and answers for competitive exams pdf, ensuring you’re always ready, no matter the challenge.

One of the salient points that every aspirant must be aware of is the importance of percentage questions. Whether you’re attempting the Bank, SSC, Railways, CAT, or any other government exam, this chapter holds paramount importance.

Not only do we cover arithmetic questions and answers in this article, but we also provide a plethora of resources, from simple arithmetic questions to arithmetic questions for CAT, even extending to comprehensive arithmetic questions and answers pdf. Whether you need simple arithmetic questions and answers or are on the lookout for Arithmetic Questions and Answers, we have got you covered.

Furthermore, if you wish to have an all-in-one resource, our extensive collection of simple arithmetic questions and answers for competitive exams pdf might just be what you need. Dive in, practice, and ace those exams!

1. The respective ratio between the speeds of a car and a jeep is 3 : 5. The speed of the jeep is 250 percent of the speed of the tractor which covers 570 km in 19 hours. What is the average speed of car and jeep together?

Speed of tractor = 570/19 = 30 km/h
Speed of jeep = 30 x 2.5 = 75 km/h
Speed of car = 3/5 x 75 = 45 km/h
Required avg speed = (75+45)/2 = 60 km/h

2. The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 1600 is equal to the percentage loss by selling the same article for Rs. 1100. At what price should the article be sold to make 20% profit?

Let the C.P. be Rs. x.
Then, 100 (1600 – x)/x = 100 (x – 1100)/x
=> 2x = 2700
=> x = 1350
∴ Required S.P. = 120% of Rs. 1350 = Rs. (120/100) X 1350 = Rs. 1620

3. Amar and Prem start a business with initial investments in the ratio of 14:6. Their profits are in the ratio of 8:3 at the end of the year. If Amar invested his money for 8 months, find the time for which Prem invested his money.

Suppose Prem invested his money for N months.
Ratio of profits = (14 x 8)/(6 x N)= 8/3
N = 7 months

4. A man can row three quarters of a kilometer against the stream in (15/2) minutes and return in (45/8) minutes. The speed of the man in still water is

Ans: 5
Three quarters of a kilometer means ¾ distance
Upstream speed= (3/4)/ (15/(2*60))=(3/4)*(120/15)=6kmph
Downstream speed= (3/4)/ (45/(8*60))=(3/4)*(480/45)=8kmph
Hence, speed in still water= (6+8)/2=7kmph

5. Ramesh and Suresh are running around a circular field whose circumference is 200 meter. Speeds of Ramesh and Suresh are 5 m/sec and 8 m/sec. If both start running from the same point in the same direction, how many times will they meet in 1 hour?

Ans: 3
Time taken by Ramesh to complete 1 round = 200/5 = 40 seconds
Time taken by Suresh to complete 1 round = 200/8 = 25 seconds
Number of rounds completed by Ramesh in 1 hour = (60 X 60)/40 = 90 rounds
Number of rounds completed by Suresh in 1 hour = (60 X 60)/25 = 144 rounds
Since they are running in the same direction, number of times they would have met = 144 – 90 = 54

6. The largest and the second largest angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 4:3 respectively. The numeric value of the smallest angle of the triangle is three less than the square of six. What is the value of the largest angle of the triangle?

Smallest angle = 36-3 = 33
Let the other two angles be 4x, 3x.
7x+33= 180
=> x = 21
Largest angle = 21×4=84

7. What is the volume of the cone whose radius is two times the side of the cube of volume 729 units and whose height is double the side of the cube having a volume of 64 units?

Side of 1st cube = (729)1/3 = 9 unitsRadius of the cone = 2 X 9 = 18 units


Side of 2nd cube = (64)1/3 = 4 units

Height of the cone = 2 * 4 = 8 units

Volume of the cone = ⅓ πr2h

= ⅓ π x 18 x 18 x 8

= 864π units

8. When 4 dice are thrown then what is the probability the same number appears on each of them?

Total number of outcomes when 4 dice are thrown = 64There are 6 cases namely; (1, 1, 1, 1) , (2, 2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3, 3), (4, 4, 4, 4), (5, 5, 5, 5) and (6, 6, 6, 6).


Hence required probability = 6/64 = 1/216

9. An increment of 2.4 percentage points in the rate of simple interest causes an additional income of Rs 7500 for 5 years. What is the principal amount?

Let the principal amount be Rs P.
Additional interest obtained due to 2.4 percentage point increase in rate of interest and time is 5 years = (2.4 X 5 X P)/100 = Rs 12P/100
According to the question, 12P/100=7500

10. In a Company, the average salary of the managers is 65000 and the average salary of the engineers is 30000. If the ratio of the number of managers and engineers is 4 : 3, then what is the average salary of the employees of the company? (Assume the company has only managers and engineers)

Let the number of Managers be 4n and the number of engineers be 3n.
So, the total salary of managers = 65000 x 4n = 260000n
And the total salary of engineers = 30000 x 3n = 90000n
So the total salary of Engineers + managers = 350000n
And total number of employees = 4n + 3n = 7n
So the average salary of the company = 350000n/7n = Rs 50000