Top 30 Most Asked Artificial Language questions Questions [ 100% FREE ]

In today’s competitive landscape, Artificial Language questions are emerging as a vital component of many exams. Whether you’re prepping for an interview, entrance test, or a competitive exam, it’s essential to be well-versed with Artificial Language questions. Not only do these questions test your reasoning abilities, but they also gauge your capacity to decode patterns in unfamiliar scenarios.

The realm of logical reasoning, specifically Artificial Language questions, is dynamic and challenging. But why are they so crucial? For starters, they offer a unique insight into a candidate’s analytical prowess. When faced with artificial language aptitude questions, it is not just about understanding the question, but about breaking down and deciphering the underlying patterns and logic. And, the beauty of Artificial Language questions is that they can be applied to numerous domains, from SSC, Bank PO’s, GRE, SCC CGL, GATE, and many other examinations.

In this article, we’re delving deep into Artificial Language questions. With each question, you’ll encounter, the aim is to sharpen your skills, enhance your understanding, and make you more adept at tackling such problems. Furthermore, our detailed answers will illuminate the path for you, making the journey of mastering Artificial Language questions a tad easier.

For those who are new to the concept, fret not. Artificial Language questions are essentially logical reasoning problems where you’re provided with a set of rules for a hypothetical language. Your task? To decode or construct phrases based on those rules. Sounds intriguing? Well, that’s the allure of artificial language aptitude questions.

Our collection of Artificial Language questions has been meticulously curated, keeping in mind the demands of modern-day competitive exams. Coupled with detailed solutions and explanations, these questions are your ticket to acing any exam that challenges your reasoning capabilities.

Whether you’re an amateur or a pro, practicing these Artificial Language questions will undoubtedly bolster your confidence and preparation level. So, let’s embark on this exciting journey of logical reasoning and dive into the world of Artificial Language questions.

Top 25 Artificial Language questions Questions :

11. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. mallonpiml means blue light
II. mallontifl means blueberry
III. arpantifl means raspberry

Which word could mean “lighthouse”?

Option”D” is correct

Mallon means blue; pimlmeans light; tifl means berry; and arpan means “rasp” in raspberry. The word piml, which means light, is required for the word lighthouse. That rules out choices a and c. Arpan in choice b means “rasp”, so that rules out choice b. That leaves choice d the only possible answer.

12. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. briftamint means militant
II. uftonel means occupied
III. uftonalene means occupation

Which word could mean “occupant”?

Option”B” is correct

Brift means the root word mili–; the suffix amint means the same as the English suffix –tant; the root word ufton– means occupy; el means the suffix –ied of occupied; and alene means the suffix –tion. (Because ufton means occupy, choices a, c, and d can be easily ruled out.)

13.Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. morpirquat means birdhouse
II. beelmorpir means bluebird
III. beelclak means bluebell

Which word could mean “houseguest”?

Option”C” is correct

Morpir means bird; quat means house; beel means blue; clak means bell. Choice c, which begins with quat, is the only possible option.

14. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. relftaga means carefree
II. otaga means careful
III. fertaga means careless

Which word could mean “aftercare”?

Option”C” is correct

In this language, the root word taga, which means care, follows the affix (relf, o–, or fer–). Therefore, in the word aftercare, the root word and the affix would be reversed in the artificial language. The only choice, then, is tagazen, because tagafer would mean less care.

15. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. aptaose means first base
II. eptaose means second base
III. lartabuk means ballpark

Which word could mean “baseball”?

Option”D” is correct

Apta means first; ose means base; epta means second; larta means ball; and buk means park. Thus, oselarta means baseball.

16. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. godabim means kidney stones
II. romzbim means kidney beans
III. romzbako means wax beans

Which word could mean “wax statue”?

Option”C” is correct

In this language, the adjective follows the noun. From godabim and romzbim, you can determine that bim means kidney. From romzbim and romzbako, you can determine that romz means beans. Therefore, bako means wax. Because the adjective wax must come after the noun in this language, wasibako is the only choice.

17. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. granamelke means big tree
II. pinimelke means little tree
III. melkehoon means tree house

Which word could mean “big house”?

Option”A” is correct

Grana means big;melkemeans tree; pini means little; hoonmeans house. Therefore, granahoon means big house.

18. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. daftafoni means advisement
II. imodafta means misadvise
III. imolokti means misconduct

Which word could mean “statement”?

Option”A” is correct

Dafta means advise; foni is the same as the suffix -ment; imo is the same as the prefix mis-; lokti means conduct. Since the only word in the answer choices that hasn’t been defined is krata, it is reasonable to assume that krata means state. Therefore, kratafoni is the only choice that could mean statement.

19. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. lelibroon means yellow hat
II. plekafroti means flower garden
III. frotimix means garden salad

Which word could mean “yellow flower”?

Option”B” is correct

Leli means yellow; broon means hat; pleka means flower; froti means garden; mix means salad. Therefore, lelipleka means yellow flower.

20. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
I. myncabel means saddle horse
II. conowir means trail ride
III. cabelalma means horse blanket

Which word could mean “horse ride”?

Option”A” is correct

Myn means saddle; cabel means horse; cono means trail; and wir means ride. Therefore, cabelwir is the correct answer.

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