Understanding the Cloze Test questions can sometimes be challenging. If you’ve ever wondered about the cloze test meaning in hindi or sought cloze test practice, you’re in the right place. A Cloze test, as many may know, is essentially a sentence completion test. But it’s not just about filling in the blanks of a sentence; it dives deeper into passages. In these Cloze Test questions, candidates are tasked with picking from several alternatives for each word that’s blanked out in a passage. Why is this done? Well, the main goal is to evaluate the candidate’s vocabulary prowess and assess their ability to grasp the entirety of the passage.
For aspirants, especially those preparing for competitive exams like the SSC CGL, knowing how to tackle cloze test questions is vital. Cloze test for SSC CGL and other similar examinations frequently feature these questions. In fact, anywhere from 4-8 questions can be expected from the cloze test topic in exams, including those for Bank, Insurance, and RRB. So, what does cloze test in english mean? And how is cloze test meaning different from cloze test meaning in hindi?
cloze test meaning in hindi :
लुप्त रिक्त स्थानों के साथ एक पैसेज होता है जहां उम्मीदवारों को पैसेज के स्वर के अनुसार उपयुक्त शब्दों के साथ रिक्त स्थान भरने की आवश्यकता होती है. अंग्रेजी में Cloze test को फिल-अप और रीडिंग कॉम्प्रिहेंशन का संयोजन कहा जा सकता है
If these questions have crossed your mind, don’t fret. This article will not only elucidate the cloze test meaning but also offer invaluable tips on mastering cloze test practice. With a sharp reading aptitude, one can easily score high marks in this section.
For all those eager to get a practical understanding, a sample passage is provided for a clearer grasp on Cloze Test questions. Whether you are gearing up for the cloze test for SSC CGL or simply wish to understand the cloze test in english, this comprehensive guide is here to assist. Dive in and unlock the secrets to mastering Cloze Test questions.
Directions:(1-5) In the following passage there are blanks each of which have been numbered. Against each number, there are five blanks one of which fills the blanks appropriately. Find the most suitable word in each case.
1.When disaster strikes, why does law and order ___(1)___ almost immediately? Whether it is a natural or man-made event, why do the people in the vicinity suddenly act as though laws don’t exist? During electricity failures some cities ___(2)___ looting. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina there was intimidation and shootings. Race and poverty-related riots occur ___(3)___ in major cities. One minute the citizens obey the laws and then something ___(4)___ the citizens to disregard the law. Could it be that laws are only tolerated and functional in a society when everything is peaceful and prosperous ? Is a large percentage of the population secretly desiring to steal and maim, but only act upon their ___(5)___ impulses when authorities are distracted and they are likely to avoid punishment ?
2.When disaster strikes, why does law and order ___(1)___ almost immediately? Whether it is a natural or man-made event, why do the people in the vicinity suddenly act as though laws don’t exist? During electricity failures some cities ___(2)___ looting. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina there was intimidation and shootings. Race and poverty-related riots occur ___(3)___ in major cities. One minute the citizens obey the laws and then something ___(4)___ the citizens to disregard the law. Could it be that laws are only tolerated and functional in a society when everything is peaceful and prosperous ? Is a large percentage of the population secretly desiring to steal and maim, but only act upon their ___(5)___ impulses when authorities are distracted and they are likely to avoid punishment ?
3.When disaster strikes, why does law and order ___(1)___ almost immediately? Whether it is a natural or man-made event, why do the people in the vicinity suddenly act as though laws don’t exist? During electricity failures some cities ___(2)___ looting. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina there was intimidation and shootings. Race and poverty-related riots occur ___(3)___ in major cities. One minute the citizens obey the laws and then something ___(4)___ the citizens to disregard the law. Could it be that laws are only tolerated and functional in a society when everything is peaceful and prosperous ? Is a large percentage of the population secretly desiring to steal and maim, but only act upon their ___(5)___ impulses when authorities are distracted and they are likely to avoid punishment ?
4.When disaster strikes, why does law and order ___(1)___ almost immediately? Whether it is a natural or man-made event, why do the people in the vicinity suddenly act as though laws don’t exist? During electricity failures some cities ___(2)___ looting. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina there was intimidation and shootings. Race and poverty-related riots occur ___(3)___ in major cities. One minute the citizens obey the laws and then something ___(4)___ the citizens to disregard the law. Could it be that laws are only tolerated and functional in a society when everything is peaceful and prosperous ? Is a large percentage of the population secretly desiring to steal and maim, but only act upon their ___(5)___ impulses when authorities are distracted and they are likely to avoid punishment ?
5.When disaster strikes, why does law and order ___(1)___ almost immediately? Whether it is a natural or man-made event, why do the people in the vicinity suddenly act as though laws don’t exist? During electricity failures some cities ___(2)___ looting. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina there was intimidation and shootings. Race and poverty-related riots occur ___(3)___ in major cities. One minute the citizens obey the laws and then something ___(4)___ the citizens to disregard the law. Could it be that laws are only tolerated and functional in a society when everything is peaceful and prosperous ? Is a large percentage of the population secretly desiring to steal and maim, but only act upon their ___(5)___ impulses when authorities are distracted and they are likely to avoid punishment ?
Directions:(6-10) For each blank in the passage, select the word from the options that makes the most sense.
6.Waste Management is the 6. ___________ world leader in nearly all facets of waste treatment, including low-level nuclear, chemical, and asbestos cleanup; and daily garbage removal, waste reduction, and recycling. Waste Management has expanded its operations both technically and geographically, acquiring a host of 7. ___________ suppliers of trash-to-energy plants, pollution control equipment, and recycling services, while signing contracts with municipalities from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong. The company has frequently been attacked by governmental agencies and environmental groups for a variety of alleged failings, but its 8.___________ growth and strenuous efforts in the recycling and pollution-control areas make it likely that in the future Waste Management will be perceived as a hero rather than a 9.___________ by the world’s increasingly polluted cities. Waste Management, it seems, is well on the way to becoming the planet’s garbage collector. It was an exceedingly good time to join the waste-treatment industry. Not only was the national economy at the peak of its postwar prosperity, but also the U.S. consumer was just then beginning to be inundated with a wave of new packaging and convenience items designed to be used once and thrown away. The nation’s production of garbage was growing much faster even than its population, and companies such as Ace Scavenger found themselves in great 10.___________.
7.Waste Management is the 6. ___________ world leader in nearly all facets of waste treatment, including low-level nuclear, chemical, and asbestos cleanup; and daily garbage removal, waste reduction, and recycling. Waste Management has expanded its operations both technically and geographically, acquiring a host of 7. ___________ suppliers of trash-to-energy plants, pollution control equipment, and recycling services, while signing contracts with municipalities from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong. The company has frequently been attacked by governmental agencies and environmental groups for a variety of alleged failings, but its 8.___________ growth and strenuous efforts in the recycling and pollution-control areas make it likely that in the future Waste Management will be perceived as a hero rather than a 9.___________ by the world’s increasingly polluted cities. Waste Management, it seems, is well on the way to becoming the planet’s garbage collector. It was an exceedingly good time to join the waste-treatment industry. Not only was the national economy at the peak of its postwar prosperity, but also the U.S. consumer was just then beginning to be inundated with a wave of new packaging and convenience items designed to be used once and thrown away. The nation’s production of garbage was growing much faster even than its population, and companies such as Ace Scavenger found themselves in great 10.___________.
8.Waste Management is the 6. ___________ world leader in nearly all facets of waste treatment, including low-level nuclear, chemical, and asbestos cleanup; and daily garbage removal, waste reduction, and recycling. Waste Management has expanded its operations both technically and geographically, acquiring a host of 7. ___________ suppliers of trash-to-energy plants, pollution control equipment, and recycling services, while signing contracts with municipalities from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong. The company has frequently been attacked by governmental agencies and environmental groups for a variety of alleged failings, but its 8.___________ growth and strenuous efforts in the recycling and pollution-control areas make it likely that in the future Waste Management will be perceived as a hero rather than a 9.___________ by the world’s increasingly polluted cities. Waste Management, it seems, is well on the way to becoming the planet’s garbage collector. It was an exceedingly good time to join the waste-treatment industry. Not only was the national economy at the peak of its postwar prosperity, but also the U.S. consumer was just then beginning to be inundated with a wave of new packaging and convenience items designed to be used once and thrown away. The nation’s production of garbage was growing much faster even than its population, and companies such as Ace Scavenger found themselves in great 10.___________.
9.Waste Management is the 6. ___________ world leader in nearly all facets of waste treatment, including low-level nuclear, chemical, and asbestos cleanup; and daily garbage removal, waste reduction, and recycling. Waste Management has expanded its operations both technically and geographically, acquiring a host of 7. ___________ suppliers of trash-to-energy plants, pollution control equipment, and recycling services, while signing contracts with municipalities from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong. The company has frequently been attacked by governmental agencies and environmental groups for a variety of alleged failings, but its 8.___________ growth and strenuous efforts in the recycling and pollution-control areas make it likely that in the future Waste Management will be perceived as a hero rather than a 9.___________ by the world’s increasingly polluted cities. Waste Management, it seems, is well on the way to becoming the planet’s garbage collector. It was an exceedingly good time to join the waste-treatment industry. Not only was the national economy at the peak of its postwar prosperity, but also the U.S. consumer was just then beginning to be inundated with a wave of new packaging and convenience items designed to be used once and thrown away. The nation’s production of garbage was growing much faster even than its population, and companies such as Ace Scavenger found themselves in great 10.___________.
10.Waste Management is the 6. ___________ world leader in nearly all facets of waste treatment, including low-level nuclear, chemical, and asbestos cleanup; and daily garbage removal, waste reduction, and recycling. Waste Management has expanded its operations both technically and geographically, acquiring a host of 7. ___________ suppliers of trash-to-energy plants, pollution control equipment, and recycling services, while signing contracts with municipalities from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong. The company has frequently been attacked by governmental agencies and environmental groups for a variety of alleged failings, but its 8.___________ growth and strenuous efforts in the recycling and pollution-control areas make it likely that in the future Waste Management will be perceived as a hero rather than a 9.___________ by the world’s increasingly polluted cities. Waste Management, it seems, is well on the way to becoming the planet’s garbage collector. It was an exceedingly good time to join the waste-treatment industry. Not only was the national economy at the peak of its postwar prosperity, but also the U.S. consumer was just then beginning to be inundated with a wave of new packaging and convenience items designed to be used once and thrown away. The nation’s production of garbage was growing much faster even than its population, and companies such as Ace Scavenger found themselves in great 10.___________.