Top 100+ Continuous Pattern Series Questions for SSC, Railways [100% Effective]

Introduction to Continuous Pattern Series

For aspirants aiming to crack SSC, Railways, and other government exams, understanding the “continuous pattern series” is crucial. This topic stands out as a beacon of hope for those who want to maximize their scores in minimal time. The continuous pattern series, with its intricate yet logical sequences, can often seem complex. However, with the right approach, it transforms into a high-scoring segment that requires less time than you might anticipate.

The essence of continuous pattern series lies in recognizing patterns and sequences in given data. By mastering this, aspirants can predict what comes next in the series or identify the odd one out. But how does one get there? The answer is through understanding “continuous pattern series tricks.” These tricks, specifically designed for the topic, make the process of solving continuous pattern series questions both efficient and effective.

Throughout your preparation journey, focusing on “continuous pattern series” will undoubtedly pay dividends. Whether you’re practicing continuous pattern series questions or mastering continuous pattern series tricks, every step takes you closer to your goal. Remember, the beauty of continuous pattern series is not just in understanding the patterns, but also in the speed and accuracy you can achieve with practice.

So, to every aspirant out there, dive deep into continuous pattern series. With its significance in government exams and its potential for high scores, continuous pattern series should undoubtedly be on your preparation checklist. Happy learning!

41. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : _ aba _ cabc _ deba _ bab _ a

Option”A” is correct

The series is aabab/cabcd/dcbac/babaa. Thus, the letters equidistant from the beginning and the end of series are the same.

42. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : _ c _ bd _ cbcda _ a _ db _ a

Option”A” is correct

The series is acdb/dacb/cdab/acdb/da. Clearly, each group of four letters contains the letters of the previous group in the order – third, first, second and fourth.

43. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : a _ cdaab _ cc _ daa _ daa _ bbb _ ccddd

Option”D” is correct

The series is abcd/aabbccdd/aaabbbcccddd. Thus, the each letter of first sequence is repeated two times in the second sequence and three times in the third sequence.

44. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : adb _ ac _ da _ cddcb _ dbc _ cbda

Option”A” is correct

The series is cab/aa/cacab/cacab/aa/cacab/ca. Thus, the pattern ‘cacab/cacab/aa’ is repeated.

45. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : adb _ ac _ da _ cddcb _ dbc _ cbda

Option”B” is correct

The series is adbc/acbd/abcd/dcba/dbca/cbda. Thus, the letters equidistant from the beginning and the end of series are the same.

46. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : _ bcdbc _ dcabd _ bcdbc _ dc _ bd

Option”A” is correct

The series is abcd/bcad/cabd/abcd/bcad/cabd. Clearly, each group consists of letters of the previous group in the order – second, third, first and fourth.

47. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : a _ bccb _ ca _ cca _ baab _ c

Option”A” is correct

The series is aabcc/bbcaa/ccabb/aabcc. Thus, the letters move in a cyclic order and in each group, the middle letter occurs only once.

48. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : _ aaba _ bba _ bba _ abaa _ b

Option”A” is correct

The series is aaab/aabb/abbb/aaab/aabb.

49. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : a _ abbb _ ccccd _ ddccc _ bb _ ba

Option”C” is correct

The series is aaa/bbbb/cccc/dddd/cccc/bbbb/a.

50. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : ab _ bcbca _ _ c _ bab

Option”D” is correct

The series is abcbc/bcaca/cabab, Thus, the series consists of three sequences. The first sequence begins with a, the second with b, and the third with c. Each sequence consists of a letter followed by the pair of other two letters repeated twice.