Data Interpretation Questions

Data Interpretation Questions for Competitive Exams

Data Interpretation: Data Interpretation Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, Railways and other state government exams. 
Data Interpretation questions require clear observation of charts like pie chart, bar chart, radar chart, line chart, table chart. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Data Interpretation Questions along with previous year Data Interpretation Questions.
Data Interpretation Questions are usually based on basic knowledge of arithmetic & fast calculation which includes good command on multiplication, division, addition, subtraction along with Vedic Math. 

Data Interpretation Questions is a very important section of Quantitative Aptitude. Most of the questions come from Data Interpretation in Quantitative Aptitude section.

ntitative Aptitude. Most of the questions come from Data Interpretation in Quantitative Aptitude section.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
The given bar graph shows the number of students in three different departments in four different colleges.

1. What is the ratio of the total number of students in EEE departments in all the colleges together to the total number of students in CSE departments in all the colleges together?

CSE students=200 + 100 + 250 + 300=850
EEE students=150 + 200 + 100 + 200=650
Required ratio=650:850


2. What is the difference between the average number of students in college D and A in all the departments together?

Difference=(300 + 200 + 100)/3 – (200 + 150 + 100)/3


3. The number of EEE students in C is approximately what percent of the number of ECE students in B?

Required percentage=100/250 * 100=40%


4. The total number of students in C in all the departments together is approximately what percent of the total number of students in B in all the departments together?

Required percentage= [(250 + 100 + 150)/(100 + 200 + 250)] * 100


5. What is the average number of ECE students in all the colleges together?

Required average= (100 + 250 + 150 + 100)/4=150


Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
The pie chart shows the number of students like five different sports.

The given table shows the number of boys to girls like five different sports.

6. What is total number of boys like all the sports together?


Total number of boys=200 + 250 + 320 + 150 + 100=1020


7. The number of girls likeFootball is approximately what percent of the number of boys like Cricket?


Required percentage=150/200 * 100=75%

8. What is the ratio of the number of girls like Golf to the number of girls like Tennis?


Required ratio=50:200


9. The number of boys like Hockey is approximately what percent of the number of students like Hockey?


Required percentage=320/600 * 100=53%


10. What is the difference between the total number of boys and girls like all the sports together?

Total number of boys=200 + 250 + 320 + 150 + 100=1020
Total number of girls=300 + 150 + 280 + 50 + 200=980
Difference=1020 – 980=40