Data Interpretation Questions for Competitive Exams
Data Interpretation: Data Interpretation Questions are usually asked in all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, Railways and other state government exams. Data Interpretation questions require clear observation of charts like pie chart, bar chart, radar chart, line chart, table chart. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Data Interpretation Questions along with previous year Data Interpretation Questions. Data Interpretation Questions are usually based on basic knowledge of arithmetic & fast calculation which includes good command on multiplication, division, addition, subtraction along with Vedic Math. Data Interpretation Questions is a very important section of Quantitative Aptitude. Most of the questions come from Data Interpretation in Quantitative Aptitude section.
Set-29 Study the table and answer the given questions carefully Students passed in 5 different subjects during 6 years 1. What is the difference between number of male students who passed in 2012 from all the given subjects together and number of female students who passed in 2016 from all the subjects together?
Ans:3 Number of male students who passed in 2012 = 368+277+564+403+498 = 2110 number of female students who passed in 2016 = 366+262+540+422+466 = 2056 Difference = 2110 – 2056 =54
2. What is the average number of male students who passed in subject N during 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016 together?
Ans:1 Number of male students from N during 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016 =280+294+320+346 = 1240 Average=1240/4 = 310
3. If the number of male students who passed in subject O in 2010 was 85% of the number of male students who passed in the same subject in 2011, then what is the respective ratio between number of male students who passed in Subject O in 2010 and number of male students who passed in Subject P in 2016 ?
Ans:2 Number of male students who passed in subject O in 2010 = 0.85*460 = 391 Number of male students who passed in Subject P in 2016 = 493 Ratio = 391:493 = 23:29
4. Number of male students who passed in Subject N in 2014 is approximately what percent of total number of male students who passed in remaining subjects in the same year?
Ans:2 Number of male students who passed in subject N in 2014 = 319 + 490 + 372 + 567 = 1748 Percentage = (341/1728)*100 = 20%
5. Number of male students who passed in Subject O in 2014 is by what percent more than the number of female students who passed in the same Subject and in the same year?
Ans:3 Number of male students who passed in Subject O in 2014 = 490 Number of female students who passed in Subject O in 2014 = 392 percent = [(490-392)/392]*100= 25
Set-30 Study the following Pie Chart and table carefully and answer the questions given below Distribution of students studying different discipline in a university 6. Number of female students studying management is what percent of the total number of students in the university?
Ans:5 Management students = (16/100)*8000 = 1280 Male students in management = (7/16)*1280 = 560 Percentage = (560/8000)*100 = 7%
7. What is the total number of female students studying engineering and medicine?
Ans:1 Engineering students = (15/100)*8000 = 1200 Female students in engineering = (5/12)*1200 = 500 Medicine students = (8/100)*8000 = 640 Female students in engineering = (1/2)*640 = 320 Total number of female students = 500+320 = 820
8. What is the total number of students studying commerce?
Ans:3 Commerce students = (33/100)*8000 = 2640
9. What is the difference between the number of students studying arts and science?
Ans:2 Arts students = (10/100)*8000 = 800 Science students = (18/100)*8000 = 1440 Difference = (1440-800) = 640
10. How many male students are studying arts?
Ans:2 Arts students = (10/100)*8000 = 800 Male students = (2/5)*800 = 320