Data Interpretation Questions for Competitive Exams
Data Interpretation: Data Interpretation Questions are usually asked in all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, Railways and other state government exams. Data Interpretation questions require clear observation of charts like pie chart, bar chart, radar chart, line chart, table chart. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Data Interpretation Questions along with previous year Data Interpretation Questions. Data Interpretation Questions are usually based on basic knowledge of arithmetic & fast calculation which includes good command on multiplication, division, addition, subtraction along with Vedic Math. Data Interpretation Questions is a very important section of Quantitative Aptitude. Most of the questions come from Data Interpretation in Quantitative Aptitude section.
Set-35 The following chart represents the marks scored by 5 students in eng, medical and MBA entrance 1. Which of the following is true?
Ans:3 Anu’s avg score =45+50+55/3 =50
2. What is the difference between the total marks obtained by Bindhu and Chandru ?
Ans:2 Marks obtained by Bindhu = 65+50+70 = 185 Marks obtained by chandru = 75+60+55=190 Diff=190-185=5
3. What is the respective ratio of Dolly’s mark in Engg entrance to Bindhu’s mark in Engg entrance?
Ans:1 Dolly’S engg mark :Bindhu’s engg mark 40:65 =8:13
4. Who has scored the highest mark in engineering entrance exams?
Ans:3 On seeing the chart, Chandru has scored the highest mark
5. Who has scored same mark in two entrance exams?
Ans:4 Dolly has scored same marks in both Medical and MBA
Set-36 Profit in lakhs made by 3 companies over the years PROFIT = I-E % P = (I-E/E) * 100
6. Profit made by a company A in the year 2002 was what % of the total profit made by all the 3 companies in same year?