Data Interpretation Questions for Competitive Exams
Data Interpretation: Data Interpretation Questions are usually asked in all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, Railways and other state government exams. Data Interpretation questions require clear observation of charts like pie chart, bar chart, radar chart, line chart, table chart. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Data Interpretation Questions along with previous year Data Interpretation Questions. Data Interpretation Questions are usually based on basic knowledge of arithmetic & fast calculation which includes good command on multiplication, division, addition, subtraction along with Vedic Math. Data Interpretation Questions is a very important section of Quantitative Aptitude. Most of the questions come from Data Interpretation in Quantitative Aptitude section.
Set-63 Study the following graph carefully and answer the given questions. The pie chart shows the number of pens sold in different shops in the month of July. 1. If the number of pens sold in Shop B is increased 20% on every month, then find the number of pens sold in the month of August.
Ans:3 Required number of pens = 6000 *(12/100) * (120/100) = 864
2. Find the ratio of the number of pens sold in shop C to that of shop E
3. If the number of pens sold in the month of August in shop D is 20% of the total number of pens sold in shop A, C and F in the month of July, then find the number of pens sold in the month of August in shop D.
Ans:2 Number of pens sold in shop A, C and F in the month of July = 6000 * (20+18+15)/100 = 3180 Number of pens sold in shop D in the month of August = 3180 * (20/100) = 636
4. Number of pens sold in shop C is what percentage more than the number of pens sold in shop F?
Set-64 Study the following pie chart carefully and answer it correctly. The following charts show the percentage breakup of number of children in five different villages and breakup of children attending school from those villages: 6. What is the respective ratio of total number of children from village M to number of children attending school from the same village?
Ans:1 Total number of children from village M=(26/100)*2200 Number of children attending school from village M=(32/100)*1500 Required ratio=(26/100)*2200 : (32/100)*1500 = 143:120
7. What is the number of children not attending school from village N?
Ans:2 Number of children not attending school from village N =(15/100)*2200-(12/100)*1500= 330-180=150
8. What is the total number of children not attending school from village L and O together?
Ans:1 Number of children not attending school from village L =(15/100)*2200-(14/100)*1500 =330-210=120 Number of children not attending school from village O =(21/100)*2200-(20/100)*1500 =462-300=162 Required total=120+162=282
9. What is the total number of children from village P and M together?
Ans:3 Number of children from village P and M together= ([23+26]/100)*2200 =(49/100)*2200 =1078
10. The number of children attending school from village L is approximately, what percentage of the number of children from that village?
Ans:4 Number of children attending school from village L=(14/100)*1500 Number of children from village L=(15/100)*2200 Required percentage= {[(14/100)*1500]/[(15/100)*2200]}*100 =63%