Data Interpretation For Mains


Read the following bar graph carefully and answer the questions given below. Bar graph shows average number of medicines sold by A & B together and average number of medicines sold by A & C together in four different days.
NoteTotal number of medicines sold by A is half of the total number of medicines sold by C.

1. The medicines sold by A on Monday to males and females are in the ratio of 2:3 respectively and medicines sold by B on same days to females is three times more than that of males. Find the total number medicines sold by A and B to males is how much more/less than that to females.

1. 38
2. 42
3. 36
4. 40
5. 28

Option “1” is correct.

2. If medicines sold by D on Thursday is 25% more than medicines sold by B on same day. Then, find the ratio of medicines sold by A on Wednesday to medicines sold by D on Thursday.

1. 2:5
2. 1:2
3. 5:4
4. 2:3
5. 7:5

Option “4” is correct.

3. If 62.5% and of medicines sold by B and A on Tuesday are returned back by customer, then find the original number of medicines sold by A & B on Tuesday are what percent of medicines sold by C on Wednesday?

1. 65%
2. 85%
3. 80%
4. 70%
5. 75%

Option “2” is correct.


The pie chart shows the degree distribution of total number of residents living in six apartments of a society. Read the data carefully and answer the questions.

Note: (i) In the pie chart, x = 1.5y and sum of y & z is 46.8 (in degree)
(ii) While x – y = 14.4 (in degree)

1. In apartment R, 20% are females and the remaining are males. Out of total residents living in apartment are males. Find the ratio of total male residents living in apartment R to total female residents living in apartment U.

1. 2 : 1
2. 1 : 4
3. 7 : 10
4. 19 : 13
5. 15 : 13

Option “1” is correct.

2. If 25% of total residents from apartment Q shift to apartment S, then now total number of residents living in apartment S is 504. Find the difference between total number of residents living in apartment P and that of in T.

1. 212
2. 232
3. 252
4. 272
5. 292

Option “3” is correct.

3. Out of total residents living in apartment R, 60% do not watch Aaj tak news channel and nobody from apartments P, Q & S watch this news channel. 50% of total residents living in apartments T and U watch this news channel. If total 5100 residents watch Aaj tak news channel in the society and of total residents from apartment S did not watch News nation news channel, then find number of residents apartment S watch the News nation news channel?

1. 360
2. 480
3. 240
4. 320
5. 280

Option “4” is correct.

4. If the difference between total residents living in apartments P & T together and total residents living in apartment S is 405, then find total residents living in the society.

1. 3600
2. 4200
3. 4500
4. 5600
5. 4000

Option “3” is correct.

5. 25% of total residents living in apartment P do not like laptop and 50% of total residents living in apartment Q do not like laptop. If total number of residents do not like laptop from apartment R are equal to the average number of residents like laptop from apartment P and Q, then find the percentage of total number of residents like laptop from apartment R with respect of total number of people in the society?

1. 20.5%
2. 18.5%
3. 12.5%
4. 16.5%
5. 14.5%

Option “5” is correct.
