Data Interpretation Questions

Data Interpretation Questions for Competitive Exams

Data Interpretation: Data Interpretation Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, Railways and other state government exams. 
Data Interpretation questions require clear observation of charts like pie chart, bar chart, radar chart, line chart, table chart. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Data Interpretation Questions along with previous year Data Interpretation Questions.
Data Interpretation Questions are usually based on basic knowledge of arithmetic & fast calculation which includes good command on multiplication, division, addition, subtraction along with Vedic Math. 
Data Interpretation Questions is a very important section of Quantitative Aptitude. Most of the questions come from Data Interpretation in Quantitative Aptitude section.

Study the Following Graph Carefully And Answer The Questions Given Below
Import and Export of spare parts by an automobile company over the given years

1. During which year the percentage rise/fall in imports from the previous year is the highest?

1994 = ((35-30)/35)*100 = 14.28% fall
1995 = ((40-30)/30)*100 = 33.33% rise
1996 = ((50-40)/40)*100 = 25% rise
1997 = ((55-50)/50)*100 = 10% rise
1998 = ((60-55)/55)*100 = 9.09% rise
1999 = ((60-45)/60)*100 = 25% fall
ans: 1995


2. What is the ratio of total imports to total exports of all the given years together?

Total imports: Total exports
315: 325


3. What following pairs of years the total import is equal to total export in the same pair of year?

In 1996 -97:
Total import = 50+55=105
Total Export = 40+60 = 100
In 1995 -1996:
Total Import = 40+50= 90
Total Export = 35+40 = 75
In 1997- 1996:
Total Import = 50+55 = 105
Total Export = 40+60 = 100
In 1999 -1996:
Total import = 50+45 =95
Total Export = 40+55 = 95


4. The total imports in the year 1995, 1996 and 1999 together are what percent of the total export during the same period?

 (135/130)*100 = 103.84


5. Which of the following pairs of years and the percent increase in the export over the previous year is the least?

1994 = ((45-40)/40)*100 = 12.5% rise
1995 = ((45-35)/45)*100 = 22.22% fall
1996 = ((40-35)/35)*100 = 14.28% rise
1997 = ((60-40)/40)*100 = 50% rise
1998 = ((60-50)/60)*100 = 16.66% fall
1999 = ((55-50)/50)*100 = 10% rise


Study the following pie chart and related table find the missing value and answer the questions carefully
Total number of students passed the exam during six different years the percentage in the year 2004 is greater than the year 2005 if the students in 2005 was 7500 means what was it percentage and 2004’s ?
Total number of students – 50000

Percentage of students in different years
If students in 2005 are 7500 means its percentage will be 15, and 2004 will be
100 – (15+10+12+25+22) = 16%
Ratio between male and female

6. What is the average number of male and female students during the year 2002, 2004 and 2006 taken together?

Students in 2002
= (12/100 ) * 50000
= 6000
Male students in 2002 = (5/8) * 6000
= 3750
Students in 2004
= (16/100)*50000
= 8000
Male students in 2004 = (5/10)*8000
= 4000
Students in 2006
= (22/100)*50000
= 11000
Male students in 2006 = (6/11)*11000
= 6000
Average = ((6000+8000+11000)/3
= 8333.3


7. What is the average number of female students during the year 2001, 2003, 2005 together ?

Total students in 2001 = 5000 , Female students in 2001 = 2000
Total students in 2003 = 12500 , Female students in 2003 = 7500
Total students in 2005 = 7500 , Female students in 2005 = 3000
Average = (2000+7500+3000)/3


8. By what percent approximately is the total number of male students who passed the exam during 2001 and 2004 together more than that of female students during the same year?

Total students in 2001 = 5000
Male students = 3000, female students = 2000
Total students in 2004 = 8000
Male student = 4000 , female = 4000
Approx. Percentage = (7000-6000/6000)*100
= 16.66%


9. What is the respective ratio between no of female students in the year 2002 to no of female students in the year 2006 ?

2250:5000 = 9:20


10. What is the difference between the average number of male and female students during all the year taken together

Male avg – female avg
(26250/6) – (23250/6)
4375 – 3958.3 = 416.7

