
791. Name the poet who wrote “Prithviraj Raso”, a poem describing Prithviraj Chauhan’s life?

1. Vir Siroja
2. Chand Bardai
3. Meerja Umed
4. Nur Fateh

Option “2” is correct.
The Prithviraj Raso is a Brajbhasha epic poem about the life of the 12th century Indian king Prithviraj Chauhan. It is attributed to Chand Bardai, who according to the text, was a court poet of the king.
792. Consider the following statements and identify the person-
During his stay in England, he endeavored to educate the British people about their responsibilities as rulers of India. He delivered speeches and published articles to support his opposition to the unjust and oppressive regime of the British Raj. In 1867, he helped to established the East India Association of which he became the Honorary Secretary.1. Pheroze Shah Mehta
2. Mary Carpenter
3. Dadabhai Naoroji
4. Anand Mohan Bose
Option “3” is correct.
Dadabhai Naoroji, known as the Grand Old Man of India, was a Parsi intellectual, educator, cotton trader, and an early Indian political and social leader.
793. Where was the first session of Indian National Congress held?

1. Calcutta
2. Bombay
3. Ahmedabad
4. Allahabad

Option “2” is correct.
Lord Dufferin served as Governor General of India and Viceroy from 1884 to 1888. During his tenure in 1885, A O Hume laid the foundation of Indian National Congress. The first President of Indian National Congress was W.C. Banerjee. The first session of the Indian National Congress was held in Bombay.
794. Who among the following was NOT known as a moderate in the National Movement?

1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
2. Dadabhai Naoroji
3. M.G. Ranade
4. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Option “1” is correct.
The Early Nationalists, also known as the Moderates, were a group of political leaders in moderate methods like petitions. Its prominent leaders are Surendranath Banerjee, Gopal krishna Gokhale, Dadabhai Naoroji etc. The Early Nationalists failed to attain their objectives, giving rise to another group of leaders known as Assertive or Extremist Nationalists most prominent leaders of the Assertive Nationalists were Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pal.
795. Which of the following English papers was essentially the mouth-piece of the policies of liberals?

1. New India
2. Leader
3. Young India
4. Free Press Journal

Option “2” is correct.
The Leader was one of the most influential English-language newspapers in India during British Raj. It is founded by Madan Mohan Malviya, the paper was published in Allahabad.
796. The first Sultan to adopt the principle of measurement of cultivable land for determining the land revenue was-

1. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
2. Iltutmish
3. Alauddin Khalji
4. Balban

Option “3” is correct.
Alauddin Khilji made several sweeping reforms in the field of revenue system. His first revenue regulation (zabita) related to the measurement of cultivable land as the principle for determining and revenue. Biswa (1/20th of a bigha) was declared to be the standard unit of measurement.
797. The state-promoted canal irrigation system was initiated by-

1. Alauddin Khalji
2. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
3. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
4. Firuz Tughluq

Option “2” is correct.
Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq was the founder of the Tughlaq Empire in India. Ghiyas-ud-Din carried out many works of public utility, Canal irrigation system was developed, gardens were planted and forts were built to provide shelter to the people against the thieves and robbers reduced various military reforms.
798. The rulers of the Lodhi dynasty were-

1. Turks settled in Afghanistan
2. Pure Turks
3. Pure Afghan
4. Timurid Turks

Option “3” is correct.
The Lodi dynasty (or Lodhi) was an Afghan dynasty that ruled the Delhi Sultanate from 1451 to 1526. It was the last dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate and was founded by Bahlul Khan Lodi when he replaced the Sayyid dynasty.
799. The largest standing army of the Delhi Sultanate directly paid by the State was created by-

1. Balban
2. Iltutmish
3. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
4. Alauddin Khalji

Option “4” is correct.
Alauddin Khalji was the second and the most powerful ruler of the Khalji dynasty of Delhi Sultanate in the Indian subcontinent. Ala-ud-din Khilji realised the importance of a strong military administrative system in order to establish a highly centralised and despotic government and an extensive empire in India.
800. When the fully developed splendid form of temple architecture emerged in India?

1. First century B. C.
2. Fourth century B. C.
3. Sixth century A. D.
4. Eleventh century A. D.

Option “3” is correct.
The fully developed splendid form of temple architecture emerged in India in Sixth Century A.D.