Ordering Of Words

1 : O why
P : creator shatter
Q : should the great
R : one of
S : his most adorable
6 : works!

The proper sequence should be:

Option “B” is correct.
O why should the great creator shatter one of his most adorable works!

22. 1 : Excavators have discovered
P : in Iraq’s
Q : and half animal figure
R : a colossal half human
S : dating back to the Ice Ages
6 : northern city of Mosul

The proper sequence should be:

Option “C” is correct.
Excavators have discovered a colossal half human and half animal figure dating back to the Ice Ages in Iraq’s northern city of Mosul.

23. 1 : It was obvious
P : made by him
Q : submitted at the meeting
R : from the comments
S : on the draft proposals
6 : that he was not satisfied with them.

The proper sequence should be:

Option “C” is correct.
It was obvious from the comments made by him on the draft proposals submitted at the meeting that he was not satisfied with them.

24. 1 : After a laborious life
P : to the quiet village where he was born
Q : most of which he had spent in the metropolis
R : and where he intended to spend
S : he retired in his old age
6 : his remaining years.

The proper sequence should be:

Option “C” is correct.
After a laborious life most of which he had spent in the metropolis he retired in his old age to the quiet village where he was born and where he intended to spend his remaining years.

25. P : expresses itself in many diverse art forms
Q : ancient in origin
R : the essence of the spirit of Bulgaria
S : of great creativity

The proper sequence should be:

Option “D” is correct.
The essence of the spirit of Bulgaria ancient in origin expresses itself in many diverse art forms of great creativity.

26. 1 : Even though he had prepared well
P : in the examination hall
Q : and could not do well
R : for the examination,
S : he got nervous
6 : as well as he had hoped to do.

The proper sequence should be:

Option “C” is correct.
Even though he had prepared well for the examination, he got nervous in the examination hall and could not do well as well as he had hoped to do

27.1 : The move to revert to a six-day week
P : among the employees
Q : while their leaders represented to the Chief Minister
R : that they be taken into confidence
S : led to an animated decision
6 : before any decision was taken.

The proper sequence should be:

Option “C” is correct.
The move to revert to a six-day week led to an animated decision among the employees while their leaders represented to the Chief Minister that they be taken into confidence before any decision was taken.

28. As the situation has changed,
P : since we last discussed this matter
Q : it was best to contact you
R : it appeared to me
S : without losing time

The proper sequence should be:

Option “B” is correct.
As the situation has changed, since we last discussed this matter it appeared to me it was best to contact you without losing time.

29. The Bible,
P : has in many respects
Q : the sacred book of all Christians
R : among all the books of the world
S : a unique character and position

The proper sequence should be:

Option “A” is correct.
The Bible, the sacred book of all Christians has in many respects a unique character and position among all the books of the world.

30. 1 : People read and recite the Ramayana,
P : which refers to those high ideals of human conduct
Q : with great devotion,
R : that aspect of its greatness
S : but they mostly fail to appreciate
6 : that this great epic places before us.

The proper sequence should be:

Option “B” is correct.
People read and recite the Ramayana, with great devotion, but they mostly fail to appreciate that aspect of its greatness which refers to those high ideals of human conduct that this great epic places before us.
