Dear Aspirants,
We are providing the most important Indian Polity Previous year Questions for RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019, SSC 2019 and all other competitive exams. These questions have very high chances to be asked in RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019.
Set-35 Indian Polity Previous Year Questions
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1.For the Union Territories that do not have legislative assemblies, laws are passed by
1. The Union Ministry
2. The President of India
3. The Parliament
4. The Administrator of the respective Union Territories
2.The minimum age limit for the membership of the Vidhan Parishad is _____.
1. 21 years
2. 25 years
3. 30 years
4. 35 years
3.Republic means ultimate power is held by –
1. The monarch
2. The people
3. The winning party
4. Ministers
4.The Governor of a state can issue ordinances
1. Only in the event of breakdown of constitutional machinery in the state
2. Only when the Chief Minister asks him to do so
3. Only during the recess of the State legislature
4. Only after taking formal approval of the President
5. Which of the following states/union territories have a common High Court?
1. Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
2. Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir
3. Andaman & Nicobar and West Bengal
4. Assam and West Bengal
6.The Chief Justice of a High Court is appointed by
1. The Prime Minister
2. The Governor of the state
3. The Chief Justice of India
4. The President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India and the Governor of the state
7.Who exercises the actual executive power under the Parliamentary form of Government?
1. Parliament
2. Prime Minister
3. President
4. Bureaucracy
8.The Council of Ministers does NOT include –
1. Cabinet Ministers
2. Prime minister
3. Ministers of State
4. Cabinet Secretaries
9.An amendment of the constitution may be initiated _____
1. By introduction by the President of India
2. By introduction of a Bill in Rajya Sabha
3. By the Governors of States
4. By the introduction of a bill in either House of Parliament
10.Which of the following Article of Indian Constitution deals with the Right to Equality before Law?
1. Article – 13
2. Article – 14
3. Article – 15
4. Article – 17
11.Who among the following is the Chairman of the National Integration Council?
1. The President
2. The Vice President
3. The Prime Minister
4. The Chief Justice of India
12.Who is the ex-officio Chairman of a Zonal Council?
1. The Union home minister
2. The Governor of the state where the Zonal Council meets
3. The Union Minister associated with the Zonal Council
4. None of these
13.The pension of the judges of the High Court is charged to
1. The Consolidated Fund of the State
2. The Contingency Fund of state
3. The Consolidated Fund of India
4. None of the above funds
14.How many types of writ are there in the Indian Constitution?
1. 5
2. 4
3. 3
4. 2
15.Judicial activism has led to increase in the powers of
1. The Executive
2. The Legislature
3. The Judiciary
4. All the above organs
16.Which article of the Constitution permits the Supreme Court to review its own judgment or order?
1. Article 130
2. Article 137
3. Article 138
4. Article 139
17.In the event of the resignation or death of the Prime Minister
1. The Council of Ministers stands automatically dissolved
2. The senior most member of the Council of Ministers automatically becomes the Prime Minister
3. The Lok Sabha stands automatically dissolved and fresh elections must be held within six months
4. The President can take any of the above actions
18.Which of the following is not a member of National Human Rights Commission?
1. Chairperson of National Commission for Scheduled Castes
2. Chairperson of National Commission for Scheduled Tribes
3. Chairperson of NITI Aayog
4. Chairperson of National Commission for women
19.Which one of the following emergencies can be declared by the President on his own?
1. Emergency due to external aggression or armed rebellion
2. Emergency due to failure of the constitutional machinery in a state
3. Emergency due to threat to the financial stability or credit of India
4. None of the above
20.In the appointment of which of the official the President has no say?
1. Judges of the Supreme Court
2. Judges of High Courts
3. Judges of District and Session Courts
4. Attorney General of India