Top 300 Fill in the Blanks questions [100% Free and Effective]

Fill in the Blanks questions have become a quintessential part of English assessments worldwide. From school examinations to competitive tests, the significance of Fill in the Blanks questions is undeniable. These types of questions efficiently evaluate a student’s grasp over various linguistic concepts. Whether it’s about fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions with answers or ensuring you know the fill in the blanks answers for different English topics, mastery over these questions is vital.

So, why is there such an emphasis on Fill in the Blanks questions? First, they test your knowledge about the core structures of the English language. Be it fill in the blanks with articles or fill in the blanks with preposition, these questions delve deep into your understanding of basic linguistic rules. Furthermore, with fill in the blanks in English being such a popular testing method, students worldwide need to focus on mastering fill in the blanks answers.

Now, let’s discuss the various types of Fill in the Blanks questions. The first type requires students to fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions with answers. This is a common format where students need to use the correct preposition, emphasizing their understanding of prepositional usage in sentences. Another format often seen is fill in the blanks with articles. As simple as it sounds, this tests a student’s knowledge about when and where to use ‘a,’ ‘an,’ and ‘the.’

Fill in the blanks with suitable words and fill in the blanks with appropriate words are other variants that are essential for English examinations. These questions assess a student’s vocabulary and the ability to choose words that make the sentence both grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. Thus, practicing fill in the blanks with appropriate words is crucial for success.

Lastly, the ability to fill in the blanks in English does more than just boost exam scores. It enhances reading comprehension, improves sentence structuring, and elevates your overall language proficiency. So, whether you’re preparing for SSC, Banking, Defence, or any other examination, remember to consistently practice Fill in the Blanks questions.

Dive deep into fill in the blanks with articles, focus on fill in the blanks with preposition exercises, and regularly test your skills with fill in the blanks with appropriate words. Your dedication will not only help you ace your exams but also make you proficient in English, a skill that will benefit you for a lifetime.

Top 300 Fill in the Blanks questions :

Directions(1-10):In each of the questions given below a sentence is given with one blank. Below each sentence FOUR words are given out of which two can fit the sentence. Five options are given with various combinations of these words. You have to choose the combination with the correct set of words which can fit in the given sentence.


1. Price Waterhouse has led an appeal ______ the SEBI order at the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT), which heard the matter on Friday, but refused to stay the two year ban.
I.Counter to

Ans: 4
The correct set of words which will be suitable in the sentence are ‘counter to-against’, whose meaning is -opposite to.


2. A government appointed Special Investigation Team has been _______ since February 2015.

Ans: 1
The correct set will be ‘working- functioning’ whose meaning is active and operative.


3. There is hardly any difference between urban and rural students in this matter, the only _______ being that urban children are smart enough to use electronic gadgets.

Ans: 2
The meaning of the correct set of words ‘dissimilarity-difference, is which is not similar or same.


4. There are a number of open double storey enclosures that _______hold several tombs inside.

Ans: 3
The correct set of words are ‘mainly- mostly’ whose meaning is essential or usual.


5. As families _______ into smaller and smaller units, the old gracious ways of sharing homes and warm hospitality of our typical Indian homes are under threat.

Ans: 2
The correct set of words here, will be ‘shrink-decrease’ whose meaning is to become smaller.


6. Like the Supreme Court of theUnited States, making this processwork by circulation and withoutoral hearing needs to be ________.

Ans: 3
the appropriate set of words will be ‘fully-strongly’ as their meaning is powerful and definitely.


7. The immediate trigger for thepress conference was the ________arbitrariness of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) in allocating benches for disposal of cases.

Ans: 4
‘clear-apparent’ are correct because their meaning is ‘obvious’ and goes with the meaning of the sentence.


8. The fear of politicization is ________, being based on a naïve view that overt parliamentary law is the sole method of interference with the judiciary.

Ans: 2
the correct set will be ‘misdirected-misconducted’ whose meaning is to mess up.


9. The insights available from successive studies pointto progress being made in raw enrolment of children inschool, but miserable _______ in achieving learning out-comes.
I. wreck

Ans: 4
here, ‘breakdown-failure’ is the correct set whose meaning is lack of success, and they go with the sentence.


10. There needs to be adistinction made betweensubsidising religious tours with public funds and__________ the same without financial applications.

Ans: 5
‘aiding- facilitating’ means to assist the progress of something. It is the correct set of words to be used.