
311. Who of the following revolutionaries set up the United India House in the USA?

1. Ramnath Puri and Vir Savarkar
2. Taraknath Das and G.D. Kumar
3. Lala Hardayal and Bhagat Singh
4. Harnam Singh and Bhagwan Singh

Option “2” is correct.
In 1910, Tarak Nath Das and G.D. Kumar, set up the united India house in Seattle and U.S.A. The first fillip to the revolutionary movement was provided by the visit to Vancouver, in early 1913, of Bhagwan Singh, a Sikh priest who had worked in Hong Kong and the Malay states.
312. Which one of the following leaders of the Bhakti Movement was influenced by Islam?

1. Chaitanya
2. Mirabai
3. Namdev
4. Vallabhacharya

Option “3” is correct.
Namdev played an important role in popularizing Bhakti movement in Maharashtra. Namdev was quite influenced by Islam among the Saints of Bhakti Movement. He opposed idolatry, fast, Pilgrimage and harsh physical practices.
313. Consider the following Bhakti Saints
1. Dadu Dayal
2. Guru Nanak
3. TyagarajaWho among the above was/were preaching when the Lodhi dynasty fell and Babur took over?1. 1 and 3
2. Only 2
3. 2 and 3
4. 1 and 2
Option “2” is correct.
Dadu Dayal lived between 1544 to 1603 AD. Guru Nanak lived between 1469 and 1539 AD and Tyagaraja between 1767 to 1847 AD. Tyagaraja was the devotee poet of Bhakti path and great musicians of Karnataka. The collapse of Lodi dynasty started in 1526 AD after Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babur in the first Battle of Panipat. Guru Nanak used to deliver his preaching at that time. Thus, option (b) is the correct answer.
314. The book, “Ramcharitmanas” was written by

1. Tulsidas
2. Valmiki
3. Surdas
4. Ved Vyas

Option “1” is correct.
The book, “Ramcharitmanas” was written by Goswami Tulsidas (1532-1623) in Awadhi Language.
315. The “Chishtia sufi Order” in India was established by-

1. Khwaja Badaruddin
2. Khwaja Muinuddin
3. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhind
4. Shaikh Bahauddin Zakariya

Option “2” is correct.
The “Chishtia sufi Order” was established in Chishti of Afghanistan by Ishaq Shami and his disciple Khwaja Abdal Chishti, but it was primarily established in India by Muinuddin Chishti. He came to India with the army of Muhammad Ghori in 1192 (12 centrury).
316. The Lilavati was a treatise on-

1. Arithmetic
2. Astronomy
3. Philosophy
4. Medicine

Option “1” is correct.
The Lilavati is Indian mathematician Bhāskara II’s treatise on mathematics, written in 1150AD. It is the first volume of his main work, the Siddhānta Shiromani, alongside the Bijaganita, the Grahaganita and the Golādhyāya.
317. Megasthenes “Indica” deals with the history of the-

1. Guptas
2. Satavahanas
3. Cholas
4. Mauryas

Option “4” is correct.
Indica is an account of Mauryan India by Megasthenes. The original book is now lost, but its fragments have survived in later Greek and Latin works.
318. Among the four works mentioned below which one is encyclopedic in nature?

1. Mamarakosa
2. Siddhantasiromani
3. Ashtangahridaya
4. Brihat Samhita

Option “4” is correct.
Brihat Samhita is work of of Varāhamihira , It covers wide ranging subjects of human interest, including astrology, planetary movements, eclipses, rainfall, clouds, architecture and growth of crops.
319. The Sanskrit drama which describes Chandragupta Maurya’s triumph over the Nanda is-

1. Mrichhakatika
2. Mudrarakshasa
3. Devichandragupta
4. Prabodhchadrodaya

Option “2” is correct.
The Mudrarakshasa is a historical play in Sanskrit by Vishakhadatta that narrates the ascent of the king Chandragupta Maurya to power in India. It is dated variously from the late 4th century to the 8th century.
320. The earliest reference to sati custom is made in which of the following inscriptions?

1. Allahabad Pillar inscription
2. Eran inscription of Bhanugupta
3. Aihole inscription of Pulkesin II
4. Bhitan inscription of Skandgupta

Option “2” is correct.
The earliest reference to sati custom is made in Eran inscription of Bhanugupta.