
51. During whose tenure as the Viceroy of India were the great martyrs Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru hanged?

1. Lord Curzon
2. Lord Irwin
3. Lord Minto
4. Lord Chemsford

Option “2” is correct.
On April 3, 1926 Lord Irwin was appointed 30th Viceroy and Governor-General of India. This was the most tumultuous period for the politics of India. During this period the important events were: Visit of Simon Commission (1928), Nehru Report (1928), Jinnah’s 14 Points, Murder of Saunders in 1929, Bomb thrown in Assembly Hall in Delhi by Bhagat Singh, execution of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev (1931).
52. During the Civil Disobedience Movement, who led the ‘Red Shirts’ of North-Western India?

1. Abdul Kalam Azad
2. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
3. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
4. Shaukat Ali

Option “2” is correct.
Red Shirt movement, byname of Khudai Khitmatgar in support of the Indian National Congress, an action started by Abdul Ghaffar Khan of the North-West Frontier Provinceof In dia in 1930.
53. For the Karachi session of Indian National Congress in 1931, presided over by Sardar Patel, who drafted the Resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic Programme?

1. Mahatma Gandhi
2. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
4. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Option “2” is correct.
The Karachi session was presided by Sardar Patel. The congress adopted a resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic Policy which represented the Party’s Social, Economic and Political programme. It was later known as Karachi Resolution and Nehru had originally drafted it.
54. The Poona Pact, which was signed between B R Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi in 1932, provided for-

1. The creation of dominion status for India
2. Separate electorate for the Muslims
3. Seats reserved for Depressed class
4. Joint electorate with reservation for women

Option “3” is correct.
The Poona Pact refers to an agreement between B. R. Ambedkar and M. K. Gandhi made on 24 September 1932 at Yerwada Central Jail in Poona, India. It was signed by Madan Mohan Malviya, Ambedkar and some other leaders as a means to end the fast that Gandhi was undertaking at the jail.
55. Ramsay Mc Donald’s Communal Award gave—

1. Privy purse to native princes
2. Communal representation to Muslims
3. Reservations to Sikhs in elections
4. Separate electorates for depressed classes

Option “4” is correct.
The Communal Award was made by the British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald on 16 August 1932 granting separate electorates in India for depressed classes.
56. The tax which the kings used to collect from the people in the Vedic period was called-

1. Kara
2. Varman
3. Bali
4. Vidatha

Option “2” is correct.
In the early Vedic period the king collected taxes regularly from his subjects. The taxes were called bali and consisted of 1/6 the agricultural produce or cattle for a given person.
57. Who was the Mughal Emperor to have lifted the Jaziya on Hindus ?

1. Babur
2. Akbar
3. Jahangir
4. Shahjahan

Option “2” is correct.
Jaziya was a tax imposed on on muslims for their security in Islamic area. Qutb-ud-din Aibak imposed jaziya on non-Muslims first time. Firoz Tughlaq imposed Jaziya on the Brahmins. Jizya was abolished by the Mughal ruler Akbar in 16th century but was re-introduced by Aurangzeb in 17th century.
58. The people of the Indus valley civilisation worshipped ____________.

1. Vishnu
2. Pashupati
3. Indra
4. Brahma

Option “2” is correct.
The people of Indus valley civilisation worshipped god Pashupati.
59. Chand Bibi was the ruler of _______.

1. Ahmednagar
2. Malwa
3. Golconda
4. Chanderi

Option “1” is correct.
Chand Bibi (1550–1599 CE), was an Indian Muslim regent and warrior. She acted as the Regent of Bijapur (1580–90) and Regent of Ahmednagar.
60. Who estimated the National Income for the first time in India?

1. Mahalanobis
2. Dadabhai Naoroji
3. V K R V Rao
4. Sardar Patel

Option “2” is correct.
Dadabhai Naoroji was the first to calculate the national income in India in 1868.