
751. Which of the following battles was fought by the allied forces of Shuja-ud-Daulah, Mir Kasim and Shah Alam against Robert Clive?

1. Battle of Buxar
2. Battle of Wandiwash
3. Battle of Chelianwala
4. Battle of Tarain

Option “1” is correct.
The Battle of Buxar was fought on 22 October 1764 between the forces under the command of the British East India Company led by Hector Munro and the combined armies of Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal the Nawab of Awadh and the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II. The battle fought at Buxar, a “small fortified town” within the territory of Bengal.
752. The Revolt of 1857 in Awadh and Lucknow was led by-

1. Wajid Ali Shah
2. Begum Hazrat Mahal
3. Asaf-ud-daula
4. Begum Zeenat Mahal

Option “2” is correct.
During the First War of Independence, from 1857 to 1858, Begum Hazrat Mahal’s band of supporters, led by Raja Jailal Singh, rebelled against the forces of the British East India Company; later, they seized control of Lucknow and she declared her son, Birjis Qadra, as the ruler (Wali) of Oudh.
753. The Harappan town considered to be a town of the artists and craftsmen was-

1. Mohenjo-Daro
2. Chanhudaro
3. Harappa
4. Lothal

Option “2” is correct.
ChanhuDaro is situated 130 kms south of Mohenjo-Daro in Sindh. The Chanhu Daro has given evidence of factories of various figurines, seals, toys, bone implements so it has been interpreted that it was a settlement with lots of artisans and was an industrial town.
754. Consider the following Bhakti Saints

1. Dadu Dayal
2. Guru Nanak
3. Tyagaraja

Who among the above was/were preaching when the Lodhi dynasty fell and Babur took over?

1. 1 and 3
2. only 2
3. 2 and 3
4. 1 and 2

Option “2” is correct.
Dadu Dayal lived between 1544 to 1603 AD. Guru Nanak lived between 1469 and 1539 AD and Tyagaraja between 1767 to 1847 AD. Tyagaraja was the devotee poet of Bhakti path and great musicians of Karnataka. The collapse of Lodi dynasty started in 1526 AD after Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babur in the first Battle of Panipat. Guru Nanak used to deliver his preaching at that time. Thus, option (b) is the correct answer.
755. Who of the following led the army of the East India Company in the battle of Buxar in 1764?

1. Hector Munro
2. Watson
3. Warren Hastings
4. Lord Clive

Option “1” is correct.
The Battle of Buxar was fought on 22 October 1764 between the forces under the command of the British East India Company led by Hector Munro and the combined armies of Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal; the Nawab of Awadh; and the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.
756. Assertion (A): The basic weakness of the early nationalist movement lay in its narrow social base.
Reason (R): It fought for the narrow interests of the social groups with joined it.1. Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A
2. Both A and R is true and R is not a correct explanation of A
3. A is true but R is false
4. A is false but R is true
Option “1” is correct.
The early nationalist movement lay in its narrow social interest. It did not penetrate down to the masses. Its leaders were fighting for their own interest rather than people’s.
757. The immediate cause for the Mutiny was-

1. Doctrine of Lapse
2. The Social Legislation of 1856
3. The Episode of the Greased Cartridges
4. The fear of the Indians that they would be converted to Christianity

Option “3” is correct.
The introduction of enfield rifles in the army was the immediate cause, because to load the rifle, sepoys had to bite the cartridge open to release the powder. The grease used on these cartridges was rumoured to be made of beef and pork which angered the hindu and the muslims in the army.
758. When did the first Huna invasion take place?

1. 358 AD
2. 458 AD
3. 558 AD
4. 658 AD

Option “2” is correct.
First Huna invasion take place in 458AD.
759. Chandragupta (322–298 BC) was the ruler of which dynasty?

1. Maurya
2. Mewar
3. Mughal
4. Peshwas

Option “1” is correct.
Chandragupta Maurya (reign: 322–298 BCE) was the founder of the Maurya Empire in ancient India.
760. Ajatashatru was the son of-

1. Brahmadatta
2. Bindusara
3. Bimbisara
4. Chetaka

Option “3” is correct.
Ajatashatru was a king of the Haryanka dynasty of Magadha in North India. He was the son of King Bimbisara and was a contemporary of both Mahavira and Gautama Buddha.