
871. Mausoleum (Dargah) of Salim Chishti is situated in?

1. Humayun’s Tomb
2. Fatehpur Sikri
3. Gwalior Fort
4. Agra Fort


Option “2” is correct

Mausoleum (Dargah) of Salim Chishti is situated in Fatehpur Sikri.The Tomb of Sheikh Salim Chishti is famed as one of the finest examples of Mughal architecture in India, built during the years 1580 and 1581 by Mughal emperor Akbar.

872. Other than Annie Besant, who among the following also launched Home Rule Movement in India?

1. Aurobindo Ghosh
2. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
3. Gopal Krihna Gokhle
4. Moti Lal Nehru

Option “2” is correct
The Indian Home Rule movement was a movement in British India on the lines of Irish Home Rule movement and other home rule movements. The movement lasted around two year between1916–1918 and is believed to have set the stage for the independence movement under the leadership of Annie Besant and B.G Tilak.
873. Consider the following statements:
1. Prior to the establishment of Home Rule League by Annie Besant, it was Lokmanya Tilak who had set up a Home Rule League at Poona.
2. The Congress in its Bombay Session in 1916, passed a resolution demanding Home Rule for India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
Option “4” is correct
Tilak founded the first home rule league at the Bombay provincial congress at Belgaum in April,1916 then after this Annie Besant founded second league at Adyar Madras in September 1916. While Tilak’s league worked in areas like Maharashtra (excluding Bombay city), Karnataka, Central provinces and Berar, Annie Besant’s league worked in the rest of India.
874. The ritualistic precepts pertaining to the hymns of the Vedas are known as the-

1. Samhitas
2. Aranyakas
3. Brahmanas
4. Upanishads

Option “3” is correct
The Brahmanas are a collection of ancient Indian texts with commentaries on the hymns of the four Vedas. They are a layer or category of Vedic Sanskrit texts embedded within each Veda, and form a part of the Hindu sruti literature.
875. The god whose worship had not gained ground in the Rigvedic period was-

1. Marut
2. Lord Shiva
3. Agni
4. Indra

Option “2” is correct

Dieties mention in Rigvedic times are Indra, agni, varuna, soma etc.

876. To which clan Gautam Buddha belonged?

1. Shibi
2. Shakya
3. Saurasena
4. Shabara

Option “2” is correct
Gautam Buddha belong to shakya clan.
877. Chachnama records the history of which conquest?

1. Kushanas
2. Hunas
3. Arabs
4. Greeks

Option “3” is correct
Chachnama is one of the only written sources about the Arab conquest of Sindh, and there fore the origins of Islam in India, the Chach Nama is a key historical text that has been co-opted by different interest groups for several centuries, and it has significant implications for modern imaginings about the place of Islam in South Asia.
878. A collective term used by the Jains for their sacred books is –

1. Prabandhas
2. Angas
3. Nibandhas
4. Charits

Option “2” is correct
A collective term used by the Jains for their sacred books is Angas. In other words, Angas (also known as agamas) are sacred texts of Jainism based on the discourse of the tirthankara.
879. The ‘Cabinet Mission’ of 1946 was led by-

1. Lord Linlithgow
2. Lord Mountbatten
3. Sir Pethick Lawrence
4. Sir Mountford

Option “3” is correct

Cabinet Mission of 1946 to India aimed to discuss and plan for the transfer of power from the British government to Indian leadership to provide India with independence. Formulated at the initiative of Clement Attlee, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the mission had Lord Pethick Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps and A. V. Alexander.

880. What did Gandhiji meant by ‘Sarvodaya’?

1. Nonviolence
2. Upliftment of untouchables or dalits
3. The birth of a new society based on ethical values
4. Satyagraha

Option “3” is correct
Sarvodaya is Gandhiji’s most important socio­political movement. It implies Universal uplift or welfare of all as the meaning of Sarvodaya. By Sarvodaya, Gandhiji want the birth of new society based on ethical values.