
921. Akbar’s guardian teacher was-

1. Abul Fazl
2. Bairam Khan
3. Abdul Latif
4. Kabir

Option “2” is correct
Bairam Khan also Bayram Khan was an important military commander, later commander-in-chief of the Mughal army, a powerful statesman and regent at the court of the Mughal emperors Humayun and Akbar. He was also guardian, chief mentor, adviser, teacher and the most trusted ally of Akbar.
922. Which one of the following scholars was given the title of Amir-i-Akhbar by Humayun?

1. Jauhar
2. Mirza Haidar Daughalat
3. Abdul Wahid
4. Khondamir

Option “4” is correct
Khondamir or Hondemir was a Persian Islamic scholar born in Herat, in 880 AH or 1475 CE, a grandson and successor to noted historian Mirkhond. He was given the title of Amir-i-Akhbar by Humayun.
923. The famous ‘Jama-Masjid’ of Delhi was built by-

1. Humayun
2. Akbar
3. Shahjahan
4. Aurangzeb

Option “3” is correct
The Masjid-i Jahān-Numā , commonly known as the Jama Masjid of Delhi, is one of the largest mosques in India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan between 1644 and 1656 . The mosque was completed in 1656 AD with three great gates, four towers and two 40 m high minarets constructed of strips of red sandstone and white marble.
924. Megasthenes “Indica” deals with the history of the-

1. Guptas
2. Satavahanas
3. Cholas
4. Mauryas

Option “4” is correct
Indica is an account of Mauryan India by Megasthenes. The original book is now lost, but its fragments have survived in later Greek and Latin works.
925. Among the four works mentioned be low which one is encyclopedic in nature?

1. Mamarakosa
2. Siddhantasiromani
3. Ashtangahridaya
4. Brihat Samhita

Option “4” is correct
Brihat Samhita is work of of Varāhamihira , It covers wide ranging subjects of human interest, including astrology, planetary movements, eclipses, rainfall, clouds, architecture and growth of crops.
926. The King Kanishka held a great Buddhist Council under whose presidentship?

1. Asvaghosha
2. Sangharaksha
3. Nagasena
4. Vasu Mitra

Option “4” is correct
The Fourth Buddhist Council was held at Kundalvana, Kashmir in 72 AD under the patronage of Kushan king Kanishka and the president of this council was Vasumitra, with Aśvaghosa as his deputy. This council distinctly divided the Buddhism into 2 sects Mahayan & Hinayan.
927. Charaka was the famous court physician of-

1. Kanishka
2. Pushyamitra
3. Chandragupta
4. Ashoka

Option “1” is correct
Charaka was one of the father contributors to Ayurveda, a system of medicine and lifestyle developed in Ancient India. He is famous for authoring the medical treatise, the Charaka Samhita.He was a famous court physician in kanishka period.
928.  Under the Mughals the jizya was collected from-

1. Indian
2. Muhammadans
3. Hindus
4. Foreign visitors

Option “3” is correct
Jizya tax was introduced by Islamic ruler Qutb-ud-din-Aibak. They imposed it on non- Muslims to pay for their security in Islamic areas. Mughal imposed jizya from Hindus.
929. During the Mughal period Polaj was the-

1. Land annually cultivated
2. Land left fallow
3. Land uncultivated
4. Barren land

Option “1” is correct
Polaj was the ideal and best type of land throughout the empire. This land was cultivated always and was never allowed to lie fallow.
930. The Mughal architecture attained unrivalled magnificence during the reign of-

1. Babar
2. Akbar
3. Jahangir
4. SahaJahan

Option “4” is correct

Mughal architecture is an architectural style developed by the Mughals in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries throughout the ever-changing extent of their empire in Medieval India. It was an amalgam of Islamic, Persian, Turkic and Indian architecture. It reach its zenith in ShahJahan.
