Idioms And Phrases

51. To have an easy time of it

Option “D” is correct.
To have an easy time of it: To do or handle something without difficulty.

52. A chip off the old block

Option “C” is correct.
A chip off the old block: someone who closely resembles his parent either in behavior, looks, interests or character.

53. To hit below the belt

Option “B” is correct.
To hit below the belt: To say something that is often too personal, usually irrelevant, and always unfair.

54. To wash one’s dirty linen in public

Option “D” is correct.
To wash one’s dirty linen in public: to discuss in public one’s private scandals, disagreements, or difficulties.

55. To wrangle over an ass’s shadow

Option “B” is correct.
To wrangle over an ass’s shadow: to quarrel over the trifles.

56. All Agog

Option “C” is correct.
All Agog: Full of vigour.

57.Hobson’s choice

Option “B” is correct.
Hobson’s choice: free choice in which only one thing is offered.

58. To take the bull by the horns

Option “B” is correct.
To take the bull by the horns: To approach, confront, or deal with a problem or difficult situation directly and with clear, confident action.

59. To take people by storm

Option “B” is correct.
To take people by storm: To conquer, seize, or lay siege to something, someone, or some place with a sudden and furious attack.

60. To take a leap in the dark

Option “D” is correct.
To take a leap in the dark: something you do without being certain what will happen as a result.
