Major religions of the world

71.Who was the originator of Bhagwat religion?
A. Parent
B. Badrayan
C. Krishna

D. Yajnavalkya

Option “C” is correct.
72.Who is considered the originator of Jainism?
A. Gautam buddha
B. Mahavir Swami
C. Rishabhdev

D. Parshwanath

Option “B” is correct.
73.Who is the founder of Buddhism?
A. Gautam buddha
B. Mahavir Swami
C. Rishabhdev

D. Ajatshatru

Option “A” is correct.
74.The originator of Sikhism is-
A. Guru Nanak Dev
B. Guru Arjun Dev
C. Guru Ramdas

D. Guru Gobind Singh

Option “A” is correct.
75.The founder of Zoroastrianism is-
A. Lao Tzu
B. Kung-Fu-Su
C. Zoroaster

D. Mikado

Option “C” is correct.
76.Shinto religion is the religion of whose followers
A. Come On
B. Kung-Fu-Su
C. Zoroaster

D. Mikado

Option “D” is correct.
77.The founder of Confucius religion was –
A. Lao Tzu
B. Kung-Fu-Su
C. Zoroaster

D. Moses

Option “B” is correct.
78.Where did Shankaracharya establish four monasteries?
A. Kashi, Puri, Rameshwaram, Dwarka
B. Badrinath,Somnath,Haridwar,Puri
C. Badrinath, Puri, Sringeri, Dwarka

D. Shringari, Puri, Dwarka, Rishikesh

Option “C” is correct.
79.Who was the first Tirthankara of Jainism?
A. Rishabhdev
B. Parshwanath
C. Neminath

D. Mahavir

Option “A” is correct.
80.Who was the last in the order of Jain Tirthankaras?
A. Parshwanath
B. Rishabhdev
C. Mahavir

D. Manisubrata

Option “C” is correct.