Para Jumbles For All Competitive Exams

Para Jumbles : Para Jumbles Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Para Jumbles Questions along with previous year Para Jumbles Questions.

Para Jumbles Topic is a very important topic of Verbal section. Para Jumbles are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We are providing varieties of Para Jumbles Questions including Para Jumbles for CAT and Para Jumbles Questions for bank exams.

Directions:(1-5) Rearrange the following six sentences (A),(B),(C),(D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

A. “That’s awkward,” said the Cat to herself: “the only thing to do is to coax them out by a trick.”
B. At last, the Mice could stand it no longer, and they determined to take to their holes and stay there.
C. By and by a Mouse peeped out and saw the Cat hanging there and it cried, “you’re very clever, madam, no doubt: but you may turn yourself into a bag of meal hanging there if you like, yet you won’t catch us coming anywhere near you.”
D. There was once a house that was overrun with Mice.
E. So she considered a while, and then climbed up the wall and let herself hang down by her hind legs from a peg, and pretended to be dead.
F. A Cat heard of this, and said to herself, “That’s the place for me,” and off she went and took up her quarters in the house, and caught the Mice one by one and ate them.

1.  Which of the following will be the fourth sentence of the paragraph ?

Sentence D introduces the premise of the story. Thus, D is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘this’ used in sentence F refers to matter discussed in sentence D. Thus, F follows D. In sentence B, the pronoun ‘it’ used refers to the killing of mice by the cat discussed in sentence F. Thus, B should follow F. Sentence A expresses the cat’s thought on the mice action to in their holes and sentence E is her plan to bring the mice out of their holes. Thus, AE follows B. Sentence C is the reaction of a mouse who saw through the cat’s plan and thus it should follow E. Therefore, the correct order of the sentences is D – F – B – A – E – C.
Thus, A is the fourth sentence of the paragraph.


2. Which of the following will be the fifth sentence of the paragraph ?

Sentence D introduces the premise of the story. Thus, D is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘this’ used in sentence F refers to matter discussed in sentence D. Thus, F follows D. In sentence B, the pronoun ‘it’ used refers to the killing of mice by the cat discussed in sentence F. Thus, B should follow F. Sentence A expresses the cat’s thought on the mice action to in their holes and sentence E is her plan to bring the mice out of their holes. Thus, AE follows B. Sentence C is the reaction of a mouse who saw through the cat’s plan and thus it should follow E. Therefore, the correct order of the sentences is D – F – B – A – E – C.
Thus, E is the fifth sentence of the paragraph.


3. Which of the following will be the first sentence of the paragraph ?

Sentence D introduces the premise of the story. Thus, D is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘this’ used in sentence F refers to matter discussed in sentence D. Thus, F follows D. In sentence B, the pronoun ‘it’ used refers to the killing of mice by the cat discussed in sentence F. Thus, B should follow F. Sentence A expresses the cat’s thought on the mice action to in their holes and sentence E is her plan to bring the mice out of their holes. Thus, AE follows B. Sentence C is the reaction of a mouse who saw through the cat’s plan and thus it should follow E. Therefore, the correct order of the sentences is D – F – B – A – E – C.
Thus, D is the first sentence of the paragraph.


4. Which of the following will be the third sentence of the paragraph ?

Sentence D introduces the premise of the story. Thus, D is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘this’ used in sentence F refers to matter discussed in sentence D. Thus, F follows D. In sentence B, the pronoun ‘it’ used refers to the killing of mice by the cat discussed in sentence F. Thus, B should follow F. Sentence A expresses the cat’s thought on the mice action to in their holes and sentence E is her plan to bring the mice out of their holes. Thus, AE follows B. Sentence C is the reaction of a mouse who saw through the cat’s plan and thus it should follow E. Therefore, the correct order of the sentences is D – F – B – A – E – C.
Thus, B is the third sentence of the paragraph.


5. Which of the following will be the last sentence of the paragraph ?

Sentence D introduces the premise of the story. Thus, D is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘this’ used in sentence F refers to matter discussed in sentence D. Thus, F follows D. In sentence B, the pronoun ‘it’ used refers to the killing of mice by the cat discussed in sentence F. Thus, B should follow F. Sentence A expresses the cat’s thought on the mice action to in their holes and sentence E is her plan to bring the mice out of their holes. Thus, AE follows B. Sentence C is the reaction of a mouse who saw through the cat’s plan and thus it should follow E. Therefore, the correct order of the sentences is D – F – B – A – E – C.
Thus, C is the last sentence of the paragraph.


Directions:(6-10) The following sentences, when arranged in their correct order, form a coherent paragraph. Find the right ordering of these sentences.


A) The pony knew that place, and when, after six years, the Company changed all the allotments to prevent the miners from acquiring proprietary rights, Janki Meah represented, with tears in his eyes, that were his holdings shifted, he would never be able to find his way to the new one.
B) The pony would come to his side, and Janki Meah would clamber on to its back and be taken at once to the plot of land which he, like the other miners, received from the Jimahari Company.
C) All day long – except on Sundays and Mondays when he was usually drunk – he worked in the Twenty-Two shaft of the Jimahari Colliery as cleverly as a man with all the senses.
D) “My horse only knows that place,” pleaded Janki Meah, and so he was allowed to keep his land.
E) A strange man in many ways was Janki Meah, the white-haired, hot tempered, sightless weaver who had turned pitman.
F) At evening he went up in the great steam-hauled cage to the pit-bank, and there called for his pony – a rusty, coal-dusty beast, nearly as old as Janki Meah.

6. Which sentence is the THIRD sentence of the paragraph?


The main protagonist of the paragraph – Janki Meah – is introduced in line E. Hence, it should be the first line of the paragraph. C-F are a pair where C tells us what Janki did during the day and F tells us what he did in the evenings. F introduces Janki’s pony who is referred to in other sentences. Hence, C-F should come before the other sentences. B-A-D describes how Janki’s pony would take him to his home by default and how Janki begged not be moved because of this reason. Hence, the correct order is ECFBAD.

Hence, the third sentence is F.


7. Which sentence is the SECOND sentence of the paragraph?


The main protagonist of the paragraph – Janki Meah – is introduced in line E. Hence, it should be the first line of the paragraph. C-F are a pair where C tells us what Janki did during the day and F tells us what he did in the evenings. F introduces Janki’s pony who is referred to in other sentences. Hence, C-F should come before the other sentences. B-A-D describes how Janki’s pony would take him to his home by default and how Janki begged not be moved because of this reason. Hence, the correct order is ECFBAD.

Hence, the second sentence is C.


8. Which sentence is the FIFTH sentence of the paragraph?


The main protagonist of the paragraph – Janki Meah – is introduced in line E. Hence, it should be the first line of the paragraph. C-F are a pair where C tells us what Janki did during the day and F tells us what he did in the evenings. F introduces Janki’s pony who is referred to in other sentences. Hence, C-F should come before the other sentences. B-A-D describes how Janki’s pony would take him to his home by default and how Janki begged not be moved because of this reason. Hence, the correct order is ECFBAD.

Hence, the fifth sentence is A.


9. Which sentence is the SIXTH sentence of the paragraph?


The main protagonist of the paragraph – Janki Meah – is introduced in line E. Hence, it should be the first line of the paragraph. C-F are a pair where C tells us what Janki did during the day and F tells us what he did in the evenings. F introduces Janki’s pony who is referred to in other sentences. Hence, C-F should come before the other sentences. B-A-D describes how Janki’s pony would take him to his home by default and how Janki begged not be moved because of this reason. Hence, the correct order is ECFBAD.

Hence, the sixth sentence is D.


10. Which sentence is the FIRST sentence of the para graph?


The main protagonist of the paragraph – Janki Meah – is introduced in line E. Hence, it should be the first line of the paragraph. C-F are a pair where C tells us what Janki did during the day and F tells us what he did in the evenings. F introduces Janki’s pony who is referred to in other sentences. Hence, C-F should come before the other sentences. B-A-D describes how Janki’s pony would take him to his home by default and how Janki begged not be moved because of this reason. Hence, the correct order is ECFBAD.

Hence, the first sentence is E.
