Para Jumbles For All Competitive Exams

Para Jumbles : Para Jumbles Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Para Jumbles Questions along with previous year Para Jumbles Questions.

Para Jumbles Topic is a very important topic of Verbal section. Para Jumbles are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We are providing varieties of Para Jumbles Questions including Para Jumbles for CAT and Para Jumbles Questions for bank exams.

Directions:(1-5) Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C) (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A)He decided that he would adopt a son who then could take his place, but he insisted that such an adopted son must be extraordinary in every sense of the word.
(B)So he launched a competition in his kingdom, open to all boys, no matter what their background.
(C)He considered each of his advisors and relatives in turn, but found them wanting.
(D)An aging king woke up one day acutely aware of his own mortality.
(E)Ten boys made it to the very top.
(F)He had no son, and his was a culture where only a male heir could take his place.

1. What is the FIFTH sentence?

The paragraph starts with D, because it introduces the protagonist, the king. F and A form a pair because F states the fact that the king had no son and A logically follows F because since he had no son, he decided to adopt one. Similarly, B and E forms a pair, since B talks about competition for boys of all faction and E talks about 10 of them making to the top. C should follow FA because before B starts with ‘so’ indicating that due to some reason he decide to have open competition. That reason is mentioned in C. The sequence should be D-F-A-C-B-E.
The fifth sentence is B.


2. What is the FIRST sentence?

The paragraph starts with D, because it introduces the protagonist, the king. F and A form a pair because F states the fact that the king had no son and A logically follows F because since he had no son, he decided to adopt one. Similarly, B and E forms a pair, since B talks about competition for boys of all faction and E talks about 10 of them making to the top. C should follow FA because before B starts with ‘so’ indicating that due to some reason he decides to have an open competition. That reason is mentioned in C. The sequence should be D-F-A-C-B-E.
The first sentence is D.


3. What is the THIRD sentence?

The paragraph starts with D, because it introduces the protagonist, the king. F and A form a pair because F states the fact that the king had no son and A logically follows F because since he had no son, he decided to adopt one. Similarly, B and E forms a pair, since B talks about competition for boys of all faction and E talks about 10 of them making to the top. C should follow FA because before B starts with ‘so’ indicating that due to some reason he decides to have an open competition. That reason is mentioned in C. The sequence should be D-F-A-C-B-E.
The third sentence is A.


4. What is the SIXTH sentence?

The paragraph starts with D, because it introduces the protagonist, the king. F and A form a pair because F states the fact that the king had no son and A logically follows F because since he had no son, he decided to adopt one. Similarly, B and E forms a pair, since B talks about competition for boys of all faction and E talks about 10 of them making to the top. C should follow FA because before B starts with ‘so’ indicating that due to some reason he decides to have an open competition. That reason is mentioned in C. The sequence should be D-F-A-C-B-E.
The sixth sentence is E.


5. What is the SECOND sentence?

The paragraph starts with D, because it introduces the protagonist, the king. F and A form a pair because F states the fact that the king had no son and A logically follows F because since he had no son, he decided to adopt one. Similarly, B and E forms a pair, since B talks about competition for boys of all faction and E talks about 10 of them making to the top. C should follow FA because before B starts with ‘so’ indicating that due to some reason he decides to have an open competition. That reason is mentioned in C. The sequence should be D-F-A-C-B-E.
The second sentence is F.


Directions:(6-10) The following sentences when arranged properly make a meaningful passage. Arrange these sentences in such an order that they make a coherent passage and answer the questions that follow.

A) In warmer climates, a tankless water heater can even be installed on the home’s exterior.
B) Tankless water heaters are more energy efficient than a standard storage water heater.
C) An endless supply of hot water isn’t the only reason homeowners are taking notice of tankless technology.
D) Moreover, with the size of a carry-on suitcase, tankless water heaters are wall-mounted and require a fraction of the space of a traditional tank-style water heater, which frees up floor space.
E) Tankless water heaters offer a myriad of additional benefits.
F) According to the U.S. Department of Energy, in some cases tankless technology can reduce monthly utility bills up to 40 percent.

6. What is the FOURTH sentence?

C and E forms a pair since E talks about additional benefits and C talks about endless supply of hot water. Only together do they make sense. Similarly, B and F forms a pair. F should follow B since F illustrates B through an example. Also, D and A forms a pair since both talks about space that tankless heaters occupy. Further, A should follow D since D introduces the topic of space and A continues the idea. BFDA are all example of benefits that sentence E is talking about. Additionally, D starts with the word ‘moreover’ suggesting that it is not the first in line of examples that are illustrated. Thus, DA should follow BF which in turn should follow CE, since E introduces the additional benefits. Thus, the sequence is CEBFDA. So, the fourth sentence is F.


7. What is the LAST sentence?

C and E forms a pair since E talks about additional benefits and C talks about endless supply of hot water. Only together do they make sense. Similarly, B and F forms a pair. F should follow B since F illustrates B through an example. Also, D and A forms a pair since both talks about space that tankless heaters occupy. Further, A should follow D since D introduces the topic of space and A continues the idea. BFDA are all example of benefits that sentence E is talking about. Additionally, D starts with the word ‘moreover’ suggesting that it is not the first in line of examples that are illustrated. Thus, DA should follow BF which in turn should follow CE, since E introduces the additional benefits. Thus, the sequence is CEBFDA.
The last sentence is A.


8. What is the SECOND sentence?

C and E forms a pair since E talks about additional benefits and C talks about endless supply of hot water. Only together do they make sense. Similarly, B and F forms a pair. F should follow B since F illustrates B through an example. Also, D and A forms a pair since both talks about space that tankless heaters occupy. Further, A should follow D since D introduces the topic of space and A continues the idea. BFDA are all example of benefits that sentence E is talking about. Additionally, D starts with the word ‘moreover’ suggesting that it is not the first in line of examples that are illustrated. Thus, DA should follow BF which in turn should follow CE, since E introduces the additional benefits. Thus, the sequence is CEBFDA. Thus, the second sentence is E.


9. What is the THIRD sentence?

C and E forms a pair since E talks about additional benefits and C talks about endless supply of hot water. Only together do they make sense. Similarly, B and F forms a pair. F should follow B since F illustrates B through an example. Also, D and A forms a pair since both talks about space that tankless heaters occupy. Further, A should follow D since D introduces the topic of space and A continues the idea. BFDA are all example of benefits that sentence E is talking about. Additionally, D starts with the word ‘moreover’ suggesting that it is not the first in line of examples that are illustrated. Thus, DA should follow BF which in turn should follow CE, since E introduces the additional benefits. Thus, the sequence is CEBFDA. Thus, the third sentence is B.


10. What is the FIFTH sentence?

Ans: 4
C and E forms a pair since E talks about additional benefits and C talks about endless supply of hot water. Only together do they make sense. Similarly, B and F forms a pair. F should follow B since F illustrates B through an example. Also, D and A forms a pair since both talks about space that tankless heaters occupy. Further, A should follow D since D introduces the topic of space and A continues the idea. BFDA are all example of benefits that sentence E is talking about. Additionally, D starts with the word ‘moreover’ suggesting that it is not the first in line of examples that are illustrated. Thus, DA should follow BF which in turn should follow CE, since E introduces the additional benefits. Thus, the sequence is CEBFDA. Thus, the fifth sentence is D.
