Para Jumbles For All Competitive Exams

Para Jumbles : Para Jumbles Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Para Jumbles Questions along with previous year Para Jumbles Questions.

Para Jumbles Topic is a very important topic of Verbal section. Para Jumbles are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We are providing varieties of Para Jumbles Questions including Para Jumbles for CAT and Para Jumbles Questions for bank exams.

Directions(1-5) Rearrange the given seven sentences to form a meaningful passage and answer the following questions.

A. His early years were spent at Mansfield, in extreme poverty, and he earned his bread by singing hymns before the houses of the village.
B. In that age, the serious and the melancholy generally sought monastic retreats, and Luther, thirsty after divine knowledge, and anxious to save his soul, resolved to forsake the world, and become a monk.
C. His father was a miner, of Mansfield, and his ancestors were peasants, who lived near the summit of the Thuringian Forest.
D. He did not know either Greek or Hebrew, but read the Bible in Latin. In 1505, he took his degree of bachelor of arts, and, shortly after, his religious struggles commenced.
E. Martin Luther was born the 10th of November, 1483, at Eisleben, in Saxony.
F. He had witnessed a fearful tempest, which alarmed him, while on a visit at his father’s house, and he was also much depressed by the death of an intimate friend.
G. At the age of fifteen, he went to Eisenach, to a high school, and at eighteen entered the university of Erfurt, where he made considerable progress in the sciences then usually taught, which, however, were confined chiefly to the scholastic philosophy.

1. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?


On reading the sentences it can be observed that Martin Luther is the subject if the paragraph. E should be the opening line as it introduces the subject. C should follow E as it describes his parents and ancestors. ‘Mansfield’ in sentence C connects sentence A, it is the place where he spent his childhood and his father was from there. G should follow A as it continues the chronology. D should follow A as it mentions about his degree. D and B form a pair as D explains the reason for melancholy which is mentioned in B. Therefore, DB should be the concluding lines.

ECAGDFB forms a coherent paragraph

C is the second sentence.


2. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?


On reading the sentences it can be observed that Martin Luther is the subject if the paragraph. E should be the opening line as it introduces the subject. C should follow E as it describes his parents and ancestors. ‘Mansfield’ in sentence C connects sentence A, it is the place where he spent his childhood and his father was from there. G should follow A as it continues the chronology. D should follow A as it mentions about his degree. D and B form a pair as D explains the reason for melancholy which is mentioned in B. Therefore, DB should be the concluding lines.

ECAGDFB forms a coherent paragraph

G is the fourth sentence.


3. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?


On reading the sentences it can be observed that Martin Luther is the subject if the paragraph. E should be the opening line as it introduces the subject. C should follow E as it describes his parents and ancestors. ‘Mansfield’ in sentence C connects sentence A, it is the place where he spent his childhood and his father was from there. G should follow A as it continues the chronology. D should follow A as it mentions about his degree. D and B form a pair as D explains the reason for melancholy which is mentioned in B. Therefore, DB should be the concluding lines.

ECAGDFB forms a coherent paragraph

D is the fifth sentence.


4. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?


On reading the sentences it can be observed that Martin Luther is the subject if the paragraph. E should be the opening line as it introduces the subject. C should follow E as it describes his parents and ancestors. ‘Mansfield’ in sentence C connects sentence A, it is the place where he spent his childhood and his father was from there. G should follow A as it continues the chronology. D should follow A as it mentions about his degree. D and B form a pair as D explains the reason for melancholy which is mentioned in B. Therefore, DB should be the concluding lines.

ECAGDFB forms a coherent paragraph

A is the third sentence


5. Which of the following should be the LAST (seventh) sentence after rearrangement?


On reading the sentences it can be observed that Martin Luther is the subject if the paragraph. E should be the opening line as it introduces the subject. C should follow E as it describes his parents and ancestors. ‘Mansfield’ in sentence C connects sentence A, it is the place where he spent his childhood and his father was from there. G should follow A as it continues the chronology. D should follow A as it mentions about his degree. D and B form a pair as D explains the reason for melancholy which is mentioned in B. Therefore, DB should be the concluding lines.

ECAGDFB forms a coherent paragraph

B is the last sentence.


Directions (6-10):The following statements, when arranged in their correct order, form a coherent paragraph. Find the correct order.

A. The apparent fixity in the positions of the stars is due to their immense distance, combined with the shortness of the time during which we are able to observe them.
B. It is customary to call them all alike stars.
C. In the beginnings of astronomy it was not known that the “fixed stars” had any motion independent of their apparent annual revolution with the whole sky about the earth as a seeming center.
D. To the untrained eye the stars and the planets are not distinguishable.
E. But since the planets more or less rapidly change their places in the sky, in consequence of their revolution about the sun, while the stars proper seem to remain always in the same relative positions, the latter are spoken of as “fixed stars”.
F. Now, however, we know that the term “fixed stars” is paradoxical, for there is not a single really fixed object in the whole celestial sphere.

6. Which line is the THIRD sentence of the paragraph?

The given paragraph is about how stars were perceived previously.
The paragraph begins by introducing the fact that to the untrained eye the stars and the planets are not distinguishable. Thus sentence D is the first sentence of the paragraph.
Sentence B is a mere continuation of this and is thus the second sentence of the paragraph.
Sentences E and C form a pair which talk about “fixed stars” and come in that order.
Sentence F continues by saying that the term “fixed stars” is paradoxical as there are no stars which are fixed in the universe.
Sentence A explains the reason for people believing in this paradox and thus completes the paragraph.
Hence the order of sentences is D-B-E-C-F-A.


7. Which line is the FIFTH sentence of the paragraph?

The given paragraph is about how stars were perceived previously.
The paragraph begins by introducing the fact that to the untrained eye the stars and the planets are not distinguishable. Thus sentence D is the first sentence of the paragraph.
Sentence B is a mere continuation of this and is thus the second sentence of the paragraph.
Sentences E and C form a pair which talk about “fixed stars” and come in that order.
Sentence F continues by saying that the term “fixed stars” is paradoxical as there are no stars which are fixed in the universe.
Sentence A explains the reason for people believing in this paradox and thus completes the paragraph.
Hence the order of sentences is D-B-E-C-F-A


8. Which line is the SECOND sentence of the paragraph?

Ans: 2
The given paragraph is about how stars were perceived previously.
The paragraph begins by introducing the fact that to the untrained eye the stars and the planets are not distinguishable. Thus sentence D is the first sentence of the paragraph.
Sentence B is a mere continuation of this and is thus the second sentence of the paragraph.
Sentences E and C form a pair which talk about “fixed stars” and come in that order.
Sentence F continues by saying that the term “fixed stars” is paradoxical as there are no stars which are fixed in the universe.
Sentence A explains the reason for people believing in this paradox and thus completes the paragraph.
Hence the order of sentences is D-B-E-C-F-A


9. Which line is the FOURTH sentence of the paragraph?

The given paragraph is about how stars were perceived previously.
The paragraph begins by introducing the fact that to the untrained eye the stars and the planets are not distinguishable. Thus sentence D is the first sentence of the paragraph.
Sentence B is a mere continuation of this and is thus the second sentence of the paragraph.
Sentences E and C form a pair which talk about “fixed stars” and come in that order.
Sentence F continues by saying that the term “fixed stars” is paradoxical as there are no stars which are fixed in the universe.
Sentence A explains the reason for people believing in this paradox and thus completes the paragraph.
Hence the order of sentences is D-B-E-C-F-A


10. Which line is the FIRST sentence of the paragraph?

Ans: 1

The given paragraph is about how stars were perceived previously.
The paragraph begins by introducing the fact that to the untrained eye the stars and the planets are not distinguishable. Thus sentence D is the first sentence of the paragraph.
Sentence B is a mere continuation of this and is thus the second sentence of the paragraph.
Sentences E and C form a pair which talk about “fixed stars” and come in that order.
Sentence F continues by saying that the term “fixed stars” is paradoxical as there are no stars which are fixed in the universe.
Sentence A explains the reason for people believing in this paradox and thus completes the paragraph.
Hence the order of sentences is D-B-E-C-F-A
