
691. The date March 12, 1930 is known in Indian History for—

1. Dandi March by Mahatma Gandhi
2. First Round Table Conference
3. Gandhi – Irwin Pact
4. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Option “1” is correct.
Dandi March was started in India on 12th of March in 1930 under the leadership of the Mahatma Gandhi as an important element to the Indian independence movement. This march was started in India as a direct action campaign against the tax over by the British Rule.
692. The famous vedic saying “war begins in the minds of men …..”is contained in the-

1. Mundakopanishad
2. Mahabharata
3. Rig Veda
4. Atharva Veda

Option “4” is correct.
The Atharva Veda is the “knowledge storehouse of atharvāṇas, the procedures for everyday life”. The text is the fourth Veda, but has been a late addition to the Vedic scriptures of Hinduism.The Atharvaveda is composed in Vedic Sanskrit, and it is a collection of 730 hymns with about 6,000 mantras, divided into 20 books. The vedi saying “war begins in the minds of men” is contained in it.
693. The philosophical essence, “The world is but God manifest and God is my own soul” may be traced to the-

1. Vedas
2. Upanishadas
3. Puranas
4. Manusmriti

Option “2” is correct.
The given philosophical essence is from Upanishads. The Upanishads are a collection of ancient Sanskrit texts that contain some of the central philosophical concepts and ideas of Hinduism, The Upanishads played an important role in the development of spiritual ideas in ancient India, and they marked a transition from Vedic ritualism to new ideas and institutions. The Upanishads are commonly referred to as Vedānta.
694. In the Rigveda the term Dasas and Dasyus refers to-

1. Robbers
2. Tribals
3. Non-Aryans
4. Menials

Option “3” is correct.
Just like the word “Arya”, several other words are mentioned in Rigveda that are about the people of that time. Dasas, Dasyus and Panis: They were called “Anarya” (un-arya) because they didn’t believe in the rituals of yajna that the vedic aryans.
695. The largest administrative division in the Vijayanagar empire was-

1. Nadu
2. Mandalam
3. Rajya
4. Kottam

Option “2” is correct.
The Vijayanagar Empire was established by Harihar and Bukka in 1336 AD. The kingdom was divided into provinces known as Mandalam, headed by ‘mandaleshwar’.
696. Guru Arjan Dev transferred the headquarters to-

1. Agra
2. Amritsar
3. Karachi
4. Allahabad

Option “2” is correct.
Guru Arjan was the first martyr of the Sikh faith and the fifth of the ten Sikh Gurus, who compiled the first official edition of the Sikh scripture called the Adi Granth,he transferred the headquarters to Amritsar.
697. Guru Gobind Singh was the son of-

1. Tegh Bahadur
2. Arjan Dev
3. Har Gobind
4. Nanak

Option “1” is correct.
Gobind Singh was the only son of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Sikh guru, and Mata Gujri. He was born in Patna, Bihar in the Sodhi Jatt family.
698. The lady Congress leader who went underground during the Quit India Movement was—

1. Sucheta Kripalani
2. Vijay Laxmi Pandit
3. Aruna Asaf Ali
4. Sarojini Naidu

Option “3” is correct.
Aruna asaf Ali was a freedom fighter and is widely remembered for hoisting the Congress flag at Bombay during the Quit India Movement. She is known as the ‘Grand Old Lady’ of the Independence Movement.
699. Who of the following Prime Ministers sent Cripps Mission to India?

1. James Ramsay MacDonald
2. Stanley Baldwin
3. Neville Chamberlain
4. Winston Churchill

Option “4” is correct.
The Cripps mission was an attempt in late March 1942 by the British government to secure full Indian cooperation and support for their efforts in World War II. The mission was headed by Sir Stafford Cripps, a senior left-wing politician and government minister in the War Cabinet of Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
700. Who among the following were official Congress negotiators with Cripps Mission?

1. Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel
2. Acharya J. B. Kripalani and C. RajagopalachaRri
3. Pandit Nehru and Maulana Azad
4. Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai

Option “3” is correct.
Cripps Mission was sent by the British Government in March 1942 to India with key objective to secure Indian cooperation and support for British War Efforts. Headed by Sir Stafford Cripps, this mission sought to negotiate an agreement with Indian leaders.