Idioms And Phrases

31. To have brush with

Option “D” is correct.
To have brush with: Have an encounter or come in conflict with.

32. To set the people by ears

Option “D” is correct.
To set the people by ears: To cause (someone, generally a group of two or more people) to engage in a squabble, dispute, or altercation.

33. To draw the long bow

Option “D” is correct.
To draw the long bow: lie or exaggerate.

34. To make the grade

Option “C” is correct.
To make the grade: succeed; reach the desired standard.

35. To fly off the handle

Option “D” is correct.
To fly off the handle: lose one’s temper suddenly and unexpectedly.

36. The old beggar ran amuck and began to throw stones at the passerby.

Option “B” is correct.
ran amuck: to behave without control in a wild or dangerous manner.

37.I cannot conceive of a time when I was without a refrigerator

Option “A” is correct.
conceive of: form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind.

38. To turn over a new leaf

Option “D” is correct.
To turn over a new leaf: start to act or behave in a better or more responsible way.

39. A close shave

Option “D” is correct.
A close shave: a narrow escape from danger or disaster.

40. To talk through one’s hat

Option “B” is correct.
To talk through one’s hat: talk foolishly, wildly, or ignorantly.