1. Three Zonal Councils
2. Four Zonal Councils
3. Five Zonal Councils
4. Six Zonal Councils
Option “4” is correct. The Zonal Councils are the statutory bodies. They are established by an Act of the Parliament, that is, States Reorganisation Act of 1956. In India, at present, there are 6 Zonal Council. Originally five councils were created as per the States Reorganization Act 1956. Main objective of the Zonal Councils is to ensure cooperation between states.
232. The main objective of the Zonal Councils is to ensure-
1. Greater cooperation amongst states in the field of planning and other matters of national importance
2. That the laws passed by various states do not conflict with each other
3. Better utilisation of the limited resources of the states
4. All the above
Option “1” is correct. The Zonal Councils are the statutory bodies. They are established by an Act of the Parliament, that is, States Reorganisation Act of 1956. Main objective of the Zonal Councils is to ensure cooperation between states.
233. Who is the ex-officio Chairman of a Zonal Council?
1. The Union home minister
2. The Governor of the state where the Zonal Council meets
3. The Union Minister associated with the Zonal Council
4. None of these
Option “1” is correct. The chairman of the Zonal council is Union Home Minister and Chief Ministers of the States included in each zone act as Vice-Chairman of the Zonal Council for that zone by rotation, each holding office for a period of one year at a time.
234. Under which article, President of India can proclaim constitutional emergency?
Option “3” is correct. Under article 356, President can proclaim constitutional emergency in case of failure of constitutional machinery in States.
235. How many members of upper house (RajyaSabha) can be nominated by President of India?
1. 10
2. 12
3. 14
4. 16
Option “2” is correct. Under article 80 of the Constitution, the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) is composed of 250 members, of whom 12 are nominated by the President of India from amongst persons who have special knowledge or practical experience in respect of such matters as literature, science, art and social service.
236. Which of the following provision needs a special majority in Parliament?
1. Change in Fundamental Rights
2. Creation of New States
3. Abolition of Legislative Councils in State
4. Rules and Procedures in Parliament
Option “1” is correct. A special majority is needed for changing provisions of Fundamental Rights.
237. Which of the following is not a fundamental duty?
1. To abide by constitution and respect the National Flag
2. To promote harmony and brotherhood
3. To uphold and protect the sovereignty
4. Abolition of titles except military and academic
Option “4” is correct. “Abolition of titles except military and academic” is a Fundamental Right under Article 18 of Indian constitution. It is not a Fundamental duty.
238. Lok Sabha Secretariat comes under the direct control of-
1. Ministry of Home Affairs
2. Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs
3. Speaker of Lok Sabha
4. President
Option “3” is correct. Lok Sabha Secretariat comes under the direct control of Speaker of Lok Sabha.
239. An amendment of the constitution may be initiated _____
1. By introduction by the President of India
2. By introduction of a Bill in Rajya Sabha
3. By the Governors of States
4. By the introduction of a bill in either House of Parliament
Option “4” is correct. An amendment of this Constitution may be initiated only by the introduction of a Bill for the purpose in either House of Parliament.
240. Which of the following Article of Indian Constitution deals with the Right to Equality before Law?
Option “2” is correct. Article-14 states that the State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.