Indian Polity

601. Which one of the following Articles of the directive Principles of State Policy deals with the promotion of international peace and security?

1. 41
2. 43A
3. 48A
4. 51

Option “D” is correct
Article 51 says that state shall endeavor to promote international peace and security, maintain just and honorable relations between nations, foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another; and encourage settlement of international disputes by arbitration.
602. Who described the Directive Principles of State Policy as a novel feature of the Constitution of India?

1. DD Basu
2. BR Ambedkar
3. Pt Nehru
4. Mahatma Gandhi

Option “B” is correct
Dr. BR Ambedkar, described the Direct principle of the State policy as ‘novel feature’ of the Constitution.
603. The provision of Fundamental Duties have been taken from the Constitution of

1. USA
3. France
4. England

Option “B” is correct
Fundamental Duties are taken from USSR.
604. Fundamental Duties were included in the Constitution of India on the recommendation of

1. Balwant Raj Mehta Committee
2. Lyngen Committee
3. Swarn Singh Committee
4. Thakkar Committee

Option “C” is correct
The 42nd amendment Act 1976 added a new part in the constitution part IVA. It incorporated the fundamental duties by inserting a new article 51A.Sardar Swaran Singh committee was constituted by Indira Gandhi soon after emergency was imposed in the country.It recommended the fundamental duties in the constitution.
605. The following provision, “Protection of monuments, places and objects of national importance” is a

1. Fundamental Right guaranteed by the Constitution of India
2. Directive Principle of State Policy of the Constitution of India
3. Fundamental Duty laid down by the Constitution of India
4. Presidential order in accordance with the constitution of India

Option “B” is correct
Article 49 states that protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance is the obligation of the State.It is one of the Directive Principle of State Policy.
606. In which of the following years the Fundamental duties have been added to the existent Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India?

1. 1965
2. 1976
3. 1979
4. 1982

Option “B” is correct
The fundamental duties were included in the constitution by the 42nd amendment act 1976. They are inspired by the “Constitution of USSR”.
607. Fundamental Right are available against

1. Only States
2. Both State and citizens
3. Only citizens
4. None of these

Option “A” is correct
The Fundamental Rights are claimed mostly against the state and its instrumentalities and not against private bodies. Article 13 (2) bars the state from making any law infringing the Fundamental Rights guaranteed under Part III of the Indian Constitution. The actions of any of the bodies comprised within the term ‘state’ as defined in Article 12 can be challenged before the courts under Article 13 (2) on the ground of violating Fundamental Rights.
608. Only which of the following grounds restrictions may not be imposed on Right to Freedom of Religion?

1. Public order
2. Morality
3. Security of India
4. Health

Option “C” is correct
Article 25 says that all person are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and right to freely profess,practise and propagate religion.However these right are subject to public order,morality,health,and other provisions relating to fundamental right.
609. Which of the following correct about the Right to Education

1. It is provided in Article 21A
2. It is provided by 86th amendment
3. It is provided for children between 6-14 years of age
4. All of the above

Option “D” is correct
The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right.It is the Right to Education.
610. To whom does the Public Accounts Committee submit its report?

1. Prime minister
2. Parliament
3. President of India
4. Union Finance Minister

Option “B” is correct
PAC examines the three audit reports of CAG submitted to President viz. audit report on appropriation accounts, audit report on finance accounts and audit report on public undertakings. It submit its report to the Parliament.