Indian Polity

641. Privilege motion can be raised-against a Minister when he-

1. loses confidence in the government
2. absents himself for a long time
3. breach rights and immunities given to him
4. avoids collective responsibility of the cabinet

Option “3” is correct
A privilege motion is a notice by any member of either House of a state legislature or Parliament, against anyone who are accused of breach of privilege. Parliamentary privileges are certain rights and immunities enjoyed by MPs, MLAs and MLCs.
642. Rajya Sabha enjoys more power than the Lok Sabha in the case of-

1. Money Bills
2. None money Bills
3. Setting up of new All India Services
4. None of the above

Option “3” is correct
Article 312 provides that an All India Service can be created only if the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) declares, by resolution supported by not less than a two-thirds majority, that it is necessary in the national interest to create one or more such All India Services.
643. The resolution of the removal of the Vice-President of India can be proposed in-

1. Lok Sabha only
2. Rajya Sabha only
3. Joint Session of Parliament
4. any House of Parliament

Option “2” is correct
The Vice President can be removed by a resolution by the members of the Rajya Sabha. To move such resolution, a 14 days’ notice is to be given. Such a resolution, though passed by the Rajya Sabha only, but must be agreeable to the Lok Sabha.
644. In the Rajya Sabha the States have been given seats-

1. In accordance with the seats in Legislative assembly of state
2. Equally
3. On the basis of population of state
4. On the basis of present economic status

Option “3” is correct
In the Rajya Sabha, the States have been given seats in accordance with their population.
645. Which one of the following states has the lowest number of elected members in the Rajya Sabha?

1. Jharkhand
2. Chhattisgarh
3. Jammu and kashmir
4. Himachal Pradesh

Option “4” is correct
Himachal Pradesh has the lowest number of elected members in the Rajya Sabha.It has three number seats in Rajya sabha.
646. If the Speaker of the Lok Sabha wants to resign, he is required to send his resignation letter to the-

1. Prime Minister
2. Deputy Speaker
3. president
4. Parliament Secretariat

Option “2” is correct
Both speaker of the lok sabha and deputy speaker of lok sabha can send resignation lett er to each other while resigning from post.
647. The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is-

1. nominated by the Chairman
2. elected by elected members of the parliament
3. nominated by the President
4. elected by the Rajya Sabha from amongst its members

Option “4” is correct
The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha presides over the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha in the absence of the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. The Deputy Chairman is elected internally by the Rajya Sabha members.
648. The function of the Pro-tem Speaker is to-

1. conduct the proceedings of the House in the absence of Speaker
2. swearing members
3. officiate as Speaker when the Speaker is unlikely to be elected
4. only check if the election certification of the members are in order

Option “2” is correct
After a general election and the formation of a new government, a list of senior Lok Sabha members prepared by the Legislative Section is submitted to the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, who selects a pro-tem speaker. The function of the Pro-tem Speaker is swearing of new members.
649. No Money Bill can be introduced in the legislative assembly of a state, except on the recommendations of-

1. the Parliament
2. the Governor of the State
3. the president of India
4. a Special committee of Ministers

Option “3” is correct
Money Bills can be introduced only in Lok Sabha on the recommendations of the president of India.
650. At which of the following stages, general discussion on a Bill takes place in the Lok Sabha?

1. During introduction of the Bill
2. During second reading
3. During report stage
4. During third stage

Option “2” is correct
During second reading general discussion on a Bill took place in the Lok Sabha.