Option “1” is correct Article 143 of the Constitution confers upon the Supreme Court advisory jurisdiction. The President may seek the opinion of the Supreme Court on any question of law or fact of public importance on which he thinks it expedient to obtain such an opinion.
682. Who administers the oath of the Prime minister of India?
1. Governor General of India
2. Chief Justice of India
3. President of India
4. Vice President of India
Option “3” is correct Prime Minister takes the oaths of office and secrecy and the president administers its oath.
683. Which of the following has been wrongly listed as criteria for appointment as a judge of the Supreme Court-
1. must have been a judge of a High Court for atleast five years
2. must have been an advocate of a High Court for not less than 10 years
3. must have attained the age of 55 years
4. must, in the opinion of the President, be a distinguished jurist
Option “3” is correct He should be a citizen of India. He should have been a judge of a High Court (or high courts in succession) for five year or (b) He should have been an advocate of a High Court (or High Courts in succession) for ten years; or (c) He should be a distinguished jurist in the opinion of the president.
684. Which article of the Constitution permits the Supreme Court to review its own judgement or order?
Option “2” is correct Article 137 enables the Supreme Court to review its own judgments, subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament.
685. Consider the following statements with regard to the Supreme Court of India.
1. The Supreme Court has been created under the Constitution of India.
2. The Supreme Court at present comprises of a Chief Justice and 30 other judges.
3. The Supreme Court has its permanent seat at New Delhi
4. The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court extends over disputes between India and foreign countries of these statements1. 1, 2 and 4 are correct
2. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
3. 2, 3 and 4 are correct
4. 1, 3 and 4 are correct
Option “2” is correct At present, the Supreme Court consists of thirty-one judges.The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the president.
686. The theory of ‘basic structure of the Constitution’ implies-
1. that certain features of the Constitution are so basic to the Constitution that they cannot be changed.
2. those features of the Constitution which can be changed by the Parliament with the prior approval of the majority of the state legislatures
3. those features of the Constitution which can be changed only after seeking prior approval of the majority of the judges of the Supreme Court
4. none of the above
Option “1” is correct In Kesavananda Bharati’s case, Supreme Court invoked this doctrine of basic structure. The doctrine of non-amendability of the basic features of the Constitution implies that there are certain provisions in the Constitution which cannot be amended even by the following prescribed procedure under Article 368.
687. At present, the Chief Justice of India draws a monthly salary of-
Option “4” is correct The salaries, allowances, privileges, leave and pension of the judges of theSupreme Court are determined from time to time by the Parliament.
688. Every other of the Supreme Court, other than the Chief Justice, at present, draws a monthly salary of-
Option “3” is correct The salaries, allowances, privileges, leave and pension of the judges of theSupreme Court are determined from time to time by the Parliament.
689. The Supreme Court propounded the theory of ‘basic structure of the Constitution’ in-
1. Gopalan v. State of Madras case
2. Golak Nath case
3. Keshavananda Bharati case
4. Minerva Mills case
Option “3” is correct In Kesavananda Bharati’s case, Supreme Court invoked this doctrine of basic structure.According to it the basic structure of the constitution can not be altered even by amendments.
690. The judges of the Supreme Court have to take an oath or affirmation before entering upon their office, which is conducted to them by
1. the President
2. the Cheif Justice of India
3. the Vice-President
4. the Attorney General of India
Option “1” is correct A person appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, before entering upon his Office, has to make and subscribe an oath or affirmation before the President, or some person appointed by him for this purpose.