Indian Polity

721. Which of the following provision needs a special majority in Parliament?

1. Change in Fundamental Rights
2. Creation of New States
3. Removal of Lok Sabha Speaker
4. Rules and Procedures in Parliament

Option “1” is correct
A special majority is needed for changing provisions of Fundamental Rights.
722. The minimum age limit for the membership of the Vidhan Parishad is _____.

1. 21 years
2. 25 years
3. 30 years
4. 35 years

Option “3” is correct
Article 171 of the constitution of India defines the composition of the councils.The minimum age to become member of Vidhan Parishad is 30 years.
723. The Estimates Committee of Parliament has how many members –

1. 35
2. 30
3. 25
4. 20

Option “2” is correct
Estimate Committee is the largest committee of Parliament of India. It consists of 30 members who are elected by the Lok Sabha every year from amongst its members.
724. Bicameral Legislature means –

1. Primary and secondary legislature
2. Lower and Upper Chamber
3. Lok Adalats and Courts
4. Elected as well as selected members

Option “2” is correct
A bicameral legislature divides the legislators into two separate assemblies, chambers, or houses. In India it has Upper Chamber and Lower Chamber.
725. The Article 343 of the Indian Constitution is about –

1. Number of seats for the Lok Sabha
2. Number of seats for the Rajya Sabha
3. Hindi as official language
4. Special status to Kashmir

Option “3” is correct
Article 343 states that the official language of the Union shall be Hindi in Devanagari script. The form of numerals to be used for the official purposes of the Union shall be the international form of Indian numerals.
726. District Planning Committee meeting is held at least every-

1. three months
2. Six months
3. Fortnight
4. Year

Option “1” is correct
District Planning Committee meeting held at least every three months of the financial year.
727. Which of the following is a leading recommendation of the Sarkaria Commission?

1. Abolition of All India Services
2. Activation of Zonal Councils
3. Drastic changes in the present division of functions between the finance commission and the Planning Commission
4. Abolition of Zonal Councils

Option “2” is correct
Recommendations are mentioned below:
1. A permanent Inter-State Council called the Inter-Governmental Council should be set up under Article 263.
2. Article 356 should be used very sparingly, in extreme cases as a last resort when all the available alternatives fail.
3. The institution of All-India Services should be further strengthened and some more such
services should be created.
4. The residuary powers of taxation should continue to remain with the Parliament, while the other residuary powers should be placed in the Concurrent List.
728. The Central Government derives maximum revenue from-

1. Income tax
2. Excise duties
3. Customs
4. None of these

Option “1” is correct
Income tax is about 16% revenue of the central government in 2017-18.
729. Under which Constitutional Article enlargement of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is mentioned—

1. Article 145
2. Article 148
3. Article 138
4. Article 143

Option “3” is correct
Enlargement of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
(1) The Supreme Court shall have such further jurisdiction and powers with respect to any of the matters in the Union List as Parliament may by law confer
(2) The Supreme Court shall have such further jurisdiction, and powers with respect to any matter as the Government of India and the Government of any State may by special agreement confer ,if Parliament by law provides for exercise of such jurisdictions and power by supreme court.
730. Which Constitutional Article mentions conferment on the Supreme Court of powers to issue certain writs?

1. Article 145
2. Article 168
3. Article 169
4. Article 139

Option “4” is correct
Article 139- Conferment on the Supreme Court of powers to issue certain writs Parliament may by law confer on the Supreme Court power to issue directions, orders or writs, including writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari.