Inequality Reasoning Questions for Competitive Exams

In today’s article, we delve deep into the topic of “inequality reasoning questions.” Navigating the landscape of reasoning can be challenging, and when it comes to understanding inequality reasoning, the challenge often doubles. Many of you might be wondering, “What exactly are inequality reasoning questions?” Simply put, they are queries that demand you to employ logical skills to decode, decipher, and understand relationships that aren’t always equal. In our discussion, we’ll repeatedly refer to “inequality reasoning” techniques, providing insights into how to tackle “reasoning inequality questions.”

But, why is understanding “inequality questions” so crucial? The answer lies in the nature of logical thinking and comprehension required to solve them. Not only will we be discussing various “inequality questions reasoning” strategies, but we also aim to provide “inequality reasoning questions with answers” to ensure that you gain a holistic understanding of the topic.

By the end of this article, our objective is for you to not only be familiar with “inequalities reasoning questions” but also be equipped with the skills and knowledge to tackle any “inequality reasoning questions” that come your way. So, whether you’re a novice or a pro, there’s something in store for everyone. Dive in with us!

Directions:(1-5) In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions.
Give Answer:
P*Q means P is either greater than or equal to Q
P$Q means P is neither less than nor equal to Q
P@Q means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
P&Q means P is equal to Q
P#Q means P is not greater than Q

 A * B $ C # D;     F @ C & E # G
i) F @ A
ii) G @ B

Ans: 2

A ≥ B > C ≤ D;      F < C = E ≤ G
i) F < A (True)
ii) G < B (False)

P # Q $ R @ S;      U @ R * T & V
i) U $ P
ii) V @ Q

Ans: 5

 P ≤ Q > R < S;     U < R ≥ T = V
i) U > P (False)
ii) V < Q (True)

I @ J # K * L;        M $ N & O @ J
i) N @ L
ii) I $ M

Ans: 4

 I < J ≤ K ≥ L;       M > N = O < J
i) N < L (False)
ii) I > M (False)

X @ Y $ Z # A;      C & B * Y @ D
i) C @ X
ii) Z # C

Ans: 4

X < Y> Z ≤ A;       C = B ≥ Y < D
i) C < X (False)
ii) Z ≤ C (False)

G * H $ I & J;        L @ H # K * M
i) L @ G
ii) J @ K

Ans: 1

G ≥ H> I = J;        L < H ≤ K ≥ M
i) L < G (True)
ii) J < K (True)

Directions:(6-10) In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions.
P < Q ≤ R = S, Q > P = U < V
i) U < S
ii) S > V

Ans: 2
P < Q ≤ R = S, Q > P = U < V
i) U < S (True)
ii) S > V (False)

A ≥ B > C ≤ D, C = E ≥ F < G
i) A < F
ii) D ≥ F

Ans: 5
A ≥ B > C ≤ D, C = E ≥ F < G
i) A < F (False)
ii) D ≥ F (True)

I > J < K = L, M < N > J <O
i) L > O
ii) M < I

Ans: 4
I > J < K = L, M < N > J <O
i) L > O (False)
ii) M < I (False)

T < U = V ≤ W, X < V < Y > Z
i) X < W
ii) Y > T

Ans: 1
T < U = V ≤ W, X < V < Y > Z
i) X < W (True)
ii) Y > T (True)

M > N ≤ O = P, Q < N ≥ R < S
i) R < P
ii) P = R

Ans: 3
M > N ≤ O = P, Q < N ≥ R < S
i) R < P (False)
ii) P = R (False)
P≥R so either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows