Mughal period (1526 AD-1857 AD)

101.The correct sequence of rebellions against Aurangzeb in North India is?
A. Jat-Bundela-Satanami-Sikh
B. Bundela-Jat-Satanami-Sikh
C. Satnami-Jat-Bundela-Sikh
D. Sikh-Jat-Bundela-Satanami
Option “A” is correct.
102.Which Jat leader damaged Emperor Akbar’s tomb (Sikandra) and dug up Akbar’s grave and burnt his bones?
A. Gokula
B. King Rama
C. Chudamani
D. Badan Singh
Option “B” is correct.
103.Who has given the name of ‘Maasir-e-Alamgiri’ composed by Saki Mustaid Khan as ‘Gazetteer of the Mughal State’?
A. Jadunath Sarkar
B. Colonel Todd
C. Smith
D. None of these
Option “A” is correct.
104.‘As the Spanish abscess destroyed Napoleon, so did the Deccan abscess destroy Aurangzeb’ – which historian has said this?
A. Jadunath Sarkar
B. Colonel Todd
C. V.A. Smith
D. None of these
Option “A” is correct.
105.Which Mughal emperor was called ‘a dervish/fakir in royal garb’ by his subjects?
A. Akbar
B. shah jahan
C. Jahangir
D. Aurangzeb
Option “D” is correct.
106.Who called Akbar ‘Jill-e-Ilahi’ (shadow of God) and ‘farr-e-indi’ (light emanating from God)?
A. Abul Fazal
B. Faizi
C. Badauni
D. None of these
Option “A” is correct.
107.Who established a new post called ‘Diwan-e-Wazirat-e-Kal’?
A. Babar
B. Akbar has
C. Humayun
D. Shah Jahan
Option “B” is correct.
108.At the time of Akbar, the number of Mughal Subas (provinces) was 15, which increased during Aurangzeb-
A. 16
B. 18
C. 21
D. 24
Option “C” is correct.
109.Who was the Mughal emperor was the last to abolish the Jizya tax?
A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Shah Jahan
D. Muhammadshah ‘Rangeela’
Option “D” is correct.
110.What was the land reserved for transfer called during the Mughal period?
A. Madad-E-Mash
B. Suyur Gul
C. Paibaki / Paivaki
D. None of these
Option “C” is correct.