Mughal period (1526 AD-1857 AD)

171.Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
A. Jahangir – William Hawkins
B. Akbar – Sir Thomas Roe
C. Shah Jahan – Ravernier
D. Aurangzeb – Manuchi
Option “B” is correct.
172.Assertion (A) : During the period of Afwar, the mansabdars had to maintain twenty horses for every ten cavalrymen. Reason (R) : Horses had to be given rest in the journey and it was necessary to replace them in times of war.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is correct but R is incorrect
D. A is wrong but R is correct
Option “D” is correct.
173.‘Ahdis’ were those horsemen 1. who provided their services in isolation 2. who did not attach themselves to any Sardar 3. whose immediate colonel was the emperor. 4. Who attached themselves to the Mirzas which of the following statements
A. 1,3 and 4 are correct
B. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
C. 2 and 3 are correct
D. 1 and 4 are correct
Option “B” is correct.
174.The withdrawal of Kandahar dealt a major blow to the Mughal Empire-
A. from the point of view of natural resources
B. from the point of view of buffer territory
C. from a communication point of view
D. from the point of view of the center of strategic importance
Option “D” is correct.
175.In the reign of Akbar, under the reorganized centralized administration system, the head of the military department was?
A. Minister
B. Mir Bakshi
C. Mir Saman
D. Bakshi
Option “B” is correct.
176.Which state of Rajputana region was difficult to win and when it was finally won, it came out spontaneously from Sher Shah’s mouth that ‘Hey, I had lost the kingdom of India behind a handful of millet?
A. Marwar
B. Chittor
C. Kalinja
D. None of these
Option “A” is correct.
177.During which campaign did Sher Shah die due to a sudden explosion of gunpowder?
A. Raisin Campaign
B. At the time of struggle with Maldev’s forces
C. At the time of Chittor campaign
D. At the time of kalinjar campaign
Option “D” is correct.
178.What is false about Sher Shah?
A. Sher Shah fixed 1/3 of the produce as tax.
B. During the time of Sher Shah, the farmers had to pay ‘Jariwana’ (survey fee) and ‘Muhasilana’ (tax collection fee).
C. For the measurement of land, Sher Shah used 32 digit Sikandari Gaj and Sun stick.
D. Sher Shah built a beautiful fort at Sasaram
Option “D” is correct.
179.Match List-I with List-II : List-I (Administrative Unit of Sher Shah) A. Iqta (Province) B. Sarkar (District) C. Pargana (D) List-II (Head of Administrative Unit) 1. ‘Hakim’ ‘ and ‘Amin’ 2. ‘Shikdar-i-Shikdaran’ and ‘Musif-i-Munsifan’ 3. ‘Shikdar’ and ‘Munsif’ 4. ‘Muqaddam’ and ‘Amil’
A. A → 1, B → 2, C → 3, D → 4
B. A → 2, B → 1, C → 3, D → 4
C. A → 1, B → 2, C → 4, D → 3
D. A → 4, B → 3, C → 2, D → 1
Option “A” is correct.
180.Sher Shah’s administration was ‘fotdar’-
A. Treasurer
B. Head of criminal affairs
C. Head of civil affairs
D. None of these
Option “A” is correct.