Mughal period (1526 AD-1857 AD)

181.Sher Shah was appointed by his father Hasan Khan as the manager of a jagir, which was?
A. Sahasram / Sasaram
B. Patna
C. Hajipur
D. Khawaspur
Option “A” is correct.
182.What was the name of the ruler of South Bihar who gave the title of ‘Sher Khan’ to Farid Khan, appointed his ‘vakil’ (representative / deputy administrator) and ‘atalik’ (guardian and teacher) of his son?
A. Bahar Khan Nuhani (Lohani)
B. Hasan Khan
C. Ibrahim Lodi
D. Jalal Khan Nuhani
Option “A” is correct.
183.Sher Khan assumed the title of being the de facto ruler of South Bihar?
A. Hazrat-e-Ala
B. Amin-Ud-Daulah
C. Sher Shah
D. None of these
Option “A” is correct.
184.Which war was decisive in the wars fought between Humayun and Sher Khan in which Sher Khan assumed the title of ‘Sher Shah Alam ul Adil’ after the victory?
A. Battle of Chunar
B. Battle of Bilgram
C. Battle of Chausa
D. Battle of Machhiwada
Option “C” is correct.
185.After winning which war, Sher Shah established the second Afghan state in Delhi?
A. Battle of Kannauj / Bilgram
B. Battle of Chausa
C. Battle of Kalinjar
D. None of these
Option “A” is correct.
186.Who was Abdul Hameed Lahori in the context of Indian history?
A. An important military commander under Akbar
B. A political historian of Shahjahan’s reign
C. An important feudatory and confidant of Aurangzeb
D. A historian and poet during the reign of Muhammad Shah
Option “B” is correct.
187.Assertion (A) : Shah Alam II spent his early years as emperor away from his capital. Reason (R) : The fear of foreign invasion lurked from the North-West Frontier.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is correct but R is incorrect
D. A is wrong but R is correct
Option “B” is correct.
188.The Battle of Dharamt (April 1658) was fought between which of the following?
A. Muhammad Ghori and Jaichand
B. Babur and the Afghans
C. Aurangzeb and Dara Shikoh
D. Ahmadshah Durni and the Marathas
Option “C” is correct.
189.Assertion (A) : The Battle of Khanwa was certainly more decisive and important than the First Battle of Panipat. Reason (R) : The Rajput hero Rana Sanga was certainly a more formidable enemy than Ibrahim Lodi.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is correct but R is incorrect
D. A is wrong but R is correct
Option “A” is correct.
190.Which of the following ports was known as Babylon Mecca (Gate of Mecca) during the Mughal period?
A. Calicut
B. Broach
C. In the pillar
D. Face
Option “D” is correct.