Mughal period (1526 AD-1857 AD)

211.Who killed Abul Fazl on the instructions of Jahangir?
A. Veer Singh Bundela
B. The Yusufzais
C. The uzbegs
D. The afghans
Option “A” is correct.
212.‘Dahsala Settlement’ is related to?
A. Birbal
B. Abul Fazal
C. Todermal
D. None of these
Option “C” is correct.
213.To whom did Akbar give the title of ‘Kanthabharanvani Vilas’?
A. Birbal
B. Tansen
C. Faizi
D. Baiju Bawra
Option “B” is correct.
214.In the context of the Mughal dynasty, the prince who made the first attempt to attain the position of emperor during his father’s lifetime was?
A. Jahangir
B. Shah Jahan
C. Aurangzeb
D. None of these
Option “A” is correct.
215.The Mughal emperor who issued ’12 ordinances’ after becoming the ruler was?
A. Jahangir
B. Aurangzeb
C. Akbar
D. Shah Jahan
Option “A” is correct.
216.Who is not matched?
A. Khusrau’s Revolt 1606-07
B. Assassination of 5th Guru Arjundev – 1706
C. Revolt of Khurram (Shah Jaha) – 1622-25
D. Revolt of Mahavat Khan 1626-27
Option “B” is correct.
217.In whose time did Kandahar go out of the hands of the Mughals forever?
A. Jahangir
B. Akbar
C. Shah Jahan
D. Aurangzeb
Option “A” is correct.
218.Match List-I with List-II : List-I (Wifes of Jahangir) A. Manbai B. Jagat Gosai C. Mehrunnisa List-II (Titles/Designation) 1. Shah Begum 2. Jodhabai 3. Nurmahal/Noorjahan/ Padshah Begum
A. A → 1, B → 2, C → 3
B. A → 3, B → 2, C → 1
C. A → 2, B → 1, C → 3
D. A → 3, B → 1, C → 2
Option “A” is correct.
219.The war with Mewar and the treaty of Chittor are important achievements of whose reign?
A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Shah Jahan
D. None of these
Option “B” is correct.
220.Which ruler was honored with the title of ‘Farzand’ (son) by Jahangir?
A. Adilshah, the ruler of Bijapur
B. Murtuja II Nizamshah was the ruler of Ahmednagar
C. Murtuza ll Nizamshah’s able minister to Malik Ambar
D. Quli Qutb Shah of Golconda
Option “A” is correct.