Non-metals and their compounds

141.Which of the following metals does not give hydrogen gas on the action of dilute acid of salt
A. Al
B. Cu
C. Fe
D. Zn
Option”B” is correct
142.Which gas is obtained when steam is passed over red hot iron?
A. oxygen
B. producer gas
C. Hydrogen
D. water gas
Option”C” is correct
143.Hydrogen is obtained by burning in air
A. water
B. hydrogen chloride
C. alcohol
D. air
Option”A” is correct
144.Which gas is used in the manufacture of vanaspati ghee?
A. nitrogen
B. carbon dioxide
C. Hydrogen
D. Neon
Option”C” is correct
145.By which process can cooking oil be converted into ‘Vaspati Ghee’?
A. by hydrogenation
B. by crystallization
C. by distillation
D. by catabolism
Option”A” is correct
146.Which of the following will absorb large chunks of hydrogen
A. colloidal solution of palladium
B. colloidal ferric hydroxide
C. refined split platinum
D. refined split nickel
Option”A” is correct
147.Metals like palladium and platinum absorb a large amount of hydrogen under special conditions, called hydrogen absorbed by the metal.
A. absorbed hydrogen
B. captured hydrogen
C. active hydrogen
D. atomic hydrogen
Option”B” is correct
148.Water is an excellent solvent because its molecules
A. are lightweight
B. is indifferent
C. is highly polar
D. is nonpolar
Option”C” is correct
149.The ratio of hydrogen and oxygen in water in proportion to volume is
A. Ratio of 1 and 8
B. 2 and 1 ratio
C. 1 and 2 ratio
D. 8 to 1 ratio
Option”B” is correct
150.The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water by weight is
A. Ratio of 1 and 8
B. 2 and 1 ratio
C. 1 and 2 ratio
D. 8 to 1 ratio
Option”A” is correct