191. | A place where monks live as a secluded community |
a. | Cathedral |
b. | Diocese |
c. | Convent |
d. | Monastery |
192. | Incapable of being seen through |
a. | Ductile |
b. | Opaque |
c. | Obsolete |
d. | Potable |
193. | One who does not care for literature or art |
a. | |
b. | Illiterate |
c. | Philistine |
d. | Barbarian |
194. | A large sleeping-room with many beds |
a. | Bedroom |
b. | Dormitory |
c. | Hostel |
d. | Basement |
195. | Continuing fight between parties, families, clans, etc. |
a. | Enmity |
b. | Feud |
c. | Quarrel |
d. | Skirmish |
196. | A building for storing threshed grain |
a. | Hangar |
b. | Dockyard |
c. | Store |
d. |
197. | Policeman riding on motorcycles as guards to a VIP |
a. | Outriders |
b. | Servants |
c. | Commandos |
d. | Attendants |
198. | One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrongs done to him |
a. | Virulent |
b. | Vindictive |
c. | Usurer |
d. | Vindicator |
199. | Murder of a king |
a. | Infanticide |
b. | Matricide |
c. | Genocide |
d. | Regicide |
200. | An expression of mild disapproval |
a. | Warning |
b. | Denigration |
c. | Impertinence |
d. | Reproof |