121. | 1 : According to reports P : were still trapped inside Q : bogies R : the wrecked S : some of the passengers 6 : of the express. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRQS |
b. | PSQR |
c. | RSQP |
d. | SPRQ |
122. | 1 : Paintings P : have been Q : which were submitted R : totally ruined by rain S : for the exhibition 6 : last night. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | PRQS |
c. | QRPS |
d. | QSPR |
123. | 1 : The decomposers P : and hence help to clean the environment Q : help in decomposing the R : dead bodies of plants and animals S : and put back various useful elements 6 : into soil, air and water. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSQR |
b. | QPRS |
c. | QRPS |
d. | SQRP |
124. | 1 : Thick glass may P : which are available Q : of the home bottle-cuttlers R : in many large stores, but any fine S : be cut with one 6 : glass requires personal attention. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSQR |
b. | QPSR |
c. | RQSP |
d. | SQPR |
125. | 1 : When I reached my office P : to get home early Q : I phoned my mother R : that I wouldn’t be able S : to tell her 6 : as I had promised. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | QSRP |
c. | RPQS |
d. | SQPR |
126. | Only P : to make himself Q : by shouting at the top of his voice R : was he able S : heard The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSQR |
b. | PSRQ |
c. | QPRS |
d. | QRPS |
127. | 1 : A four-year study P : that babies feel more comfortable Q : conducted by the Infant Testing Centre R : around other babies S : clearly suggests 6 : than with strange adults. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRSQ |
b. | QPRS |
c. | QSPR |
d. | SPRQ |
128. | P : while some people live Q : to eat and drink and wear R : many have not even enough S : in luxury The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | PRQS |
c. | PSRQ |
d. | RSQP |
129. | 1 : There is a fashion nowadays P : as an evil Q : who is born with a silver spoon R : to bewail poverty S : and to pity the youngman 6 : in his mouth. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSRQ |
b. | RPSQ |
c. | RSQP |
d. | SPRQ |
130. | 1 : The department has initiated steps P : from the corporate sector Q : to evolve appropriate schemes R : and financial institutions for S : for mobilising investment 6 : the development of wastelands. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRSQ |
b. | QPSR |
c. | QSPR |
d. | RPSQ |