161. | 1 : What we would like to judge P : in this comprehension exercise, Q : the difficult words, phrases and sentence fragments R : and also the meanings of S : is your grasp of the content 6 : that constitute the paragraph. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSRQ |
b. | QPSR |
c. | RQPS |
d. | SRQP |
162. | It was true that P : the pet dog Q : would never sleep anywhere R : we once had S : except on the sofa The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQSR |
b. | PRQS |
c. | RPQS |
d. | SPQR |
163. | All religious are P : to advance the cause of peace Q : in a holy partnership R : justice and freedom S : bound together The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | PRQS |
c. | SPQR |
d. | SQPR |
164. | 1 : I have not come P : even if it means some humiliation Q : but the boy must learn R : to complain, he said, S : to be honest 6 : and admit he broke our window pane. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRQS |
b. | QSPR |
c. | RQSP |
d. | SPRQ |
165. | 1 : The establishment of Delhi Sultanate P : new features in art and architecture Q : and their diffusion to all parts of the country R : saw the introduction of S : leading the growth of 6 : India’s composite culture. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRSQ |
b. | PSQR |
c. | RPQS |
d. | SPQR |
166. | P : early today Q : at least five persons were killed and 32 injured R : when a passenger train rammed into S : a stationary goods train The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | QRSP |
c. | RSPQ |
d. |
167. | A policeman P : to abide Q : if he has to do well, R : by the strict letters of the law S : cannot afford The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRQS |
b. | QSPR |
c. | RQPS |
d. | SPRQ |
168. | Milton said that P : those persons Q : would be damned R : who do not obey S : God’s commands The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | |
c. | QPRS |
d. | RSPQ |
169. | 1 : If you are serious about P : vocabulary building not a hobby, Q : you will have to make R : an absorbing interest, S : increasing your vocabulary, 6 : or even an obsession. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQSR |
b. | PRQS |
c. | RQPS |
d. | SQPR |
170. | 1 : If evil consisted P : men would be drawn to virtue Q : but, alas! how many know their duty R : merely in ignorance S : as soon as it was explained to them 6 : and yet do not do it. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | RPQS |
b. | RPSQ |
c. | RSPQ |
d. | SPRQ |