171. | This is a letter P : from a young lady Q : who was lately wounded in a duel R : written in the most passionate terms S : wherein she laments the misfortune of a gentleman The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRQS |
b. | PRSQ |
c. | RPQS |
d. | RPSQ |
172. | P : we must read Q : if we want to absorb the fruits of great literature R : but with concentration S : them not as we do cricket stories The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRQS |
b. | PRSQ |
c. | PSQR |
d. | QPSR |
173. | 1 : He dared P : the forty thieves Q : to fight R : who S : challenged him 6 : to a duel The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | QPRS |
c. | RSQP |
d. | SPQR |
174. | Reading books P : is a habit Q : but also enlarges the mind R : because it not only increases knowledge S : which must be cultivated by everybody The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQSR |
b. | PQRS |
c. | PSRQ |
d. | SRPQ |
175. | 1 : There are people P : to be able to say Q : not because they enjoy the book, R : who read a book S : but because they want 6 : that they have read it. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSQR |
b. | RQSP |
c. | RSPQ |
d. | SQPR |
176. | 1 : The ravine was about ten yards wide P : and as I stepped down into it Q : and four or five feet deep R : on which I had S : a bird flew off a rock 6 : put my hand. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSRQ |
b. | QPSR |
c. | RSQP |
d. | SRQP |
177. | P : I am planning to go Q : to the hill station R : to spend my vacation S : where an acquaintance of my father lives The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | PSQR |
c. | RPQS |
d. | RQPS |
178. | The reporter of the newspaper informs us that P : Lala Lajpat Rai spent Q : lecturing widely and attracting many American leaders R : to sympathise with the Indian nationalist position S : almost five years in America The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSQR |
b. | PSRQ |
c. | RPSQ |
d. | SPQR |
179. | 1 : The next stop P : lying in the centre Q : of a bay R : was a port S : that our ship halted at 6 : in South Wales. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | RSQP |
c. | SRPQ |
d. | SRQP |
180. | They are plant eaters P : and various kinds of vegetation Q : browsing on grass R : and consume S : vast quantities of pasture The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | QPRS |
b. | QSRP |
c. | RSPQ |
d. | RSQP |